Elemental 7.1.5 "2112333" ST/MT

[quote quote=46600]I’m here for lazy macros not involved macros.
Pressing a modifier is still easier than casting your whole spellbook, unless you’re a clicker.

[quote quote=46824]

I’m here for lazy macros not involved macros.

Pressing a modifier is still easier than casting your whole spellbook, unless you’re a clicker. [/quote]

I agree with Chris. A one button macro at least for ST would be awesome for those of us that are unable to or those that have trouble pushing the combination of mod keys.

[quote quote=46841]

I’m here for lazy macros not involved macros.

Pressing a modifier is still easier than casting your whole spellbook, unless you’re a clicker.
I agree with Chris. A one button macro at least for ST would be awesome for those of us that are unable to or those that have trouble pushing the combination of mod keys. [/quote]

Indeed 1 button would be nice

Our you all could gasp take the time to modify it yourselves. Seriously complaining about a simple modifier?!

Agreed and that is what I did & posted my macro for it

Thanks Turtle
I had missed it and appreciate your efforts.

Awesome macro’s. 1 issue… on the AoE macro, it casts Fire Elemental even tho its not in the macro. Anyway to prevent this? i presume Elemental Blast is triggering it, but not sure. =/ Cheers… Awesome work m8 :slight_smile:

So this has no mod keys? no shift alt ctrl? if so that’s amazing because I hate mod keys… they put UNlazy in lazy , just my 2 cents

[quote quote=46824]

I’m here for lazy macros not involved macros.

Pressing a modifier is still easier than casting your whole spellbook, unless you’re a clicker. [/quote]

It’s not that we are lazy or clickers we MIGHT be disabled and CANNOT hit multiple buttons at a time and thats what Gnome Sequencer was made for …

Not going to get into the reason for why it was made other than to make rotations and playing your class much easier. While i respect that it does help many people with disabilities play the game it’s also had it’s spirit and functionality perverted by players who only look at the DPS charts and want to output the best numbers they can, and look smug while pressing one button verses the people who learn to play their class and take the manual route.

Because of this no one wants to admit they are using the tool and like having all their abilities fire off when no needed, thus the mass request to now add mods or 3 part macros or now even macros within macros.

Unfortunately not everyone will be or can be happy with every macro out there.

I agree, unfortunately it does get used used to eek out dps and not solely for the purpose to help a person in need. I myself am disabled and this addon helps me in so many ways, for the first half of my wow career i used the normal rotations but as time progressed so did my disability

So macro wwork great man, GJ. Only opinion I have is that when everything is on CD, it spams Flame Shock. Seeing as how this is already ticking, any chance to make it use Lightning bolt instead? IDK if its poss to just put a timer on flame shock or what. Either way, enjoying the macro.

Also in my Norm KJ fights, (9 mins) Icefury seems to be only going off 3 times. This was over 8 attempts.