Elfyau's 8.2.5 ST/AOE Fury Macro's

I think armour, stats and azerite traits may account for this as I am getting about the same as it is. But I am glad it helped you get some more out of it for your toon :slight_smile: thank you for the feed back I will try it out on mine soon. Cheers!

I assume you are running it @70ms?

Help? What do you mean when you say tested and running at 70ms?

I mean that I have tested the macro running at 70ms so that is where people should start and adjust it as needed

ok thank you. new to macros.

It’s all good we all have been there and you’ll never know if you don’t ask! :slight_smile:
(or maybe google it lol but that can be painful)

DM_Steel already said this, but Dragons Roar doesnt go off in the ST macro. Im unsure if its even coded in there as I’ve NEVER seen it being used

Dragon Roar will not go off in the ST macro because as you noticed it is not coded in there. The reason i have not put it into the ST macro is because Dragon Roar is an AOE so thus it is only coded into the AOE macro

Its still part of the single target rotation though

Biggest part of the reason I did not use it in the ST is so that people would not accidentally free mobs that were/are CC’d but I edited the original post for you.

Great, Thanks a ton!!

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I’m using so many of your mods now, haha. I’m starting to play my Warrior (again) as Prot. I have used Roars Prot Macro but it seems he does not update any longer. Any chance you ever run Prot? He has a good mod in the middle of his post (he never updated the top/first post), that would be a good place to start… Thanks for all your time!

I second this for prot warrior

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No promises but I will look into it :wink:

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Go check it out and provide feedback :stuck_out_tongue: Hope it’s ok Warcannibal_1221 and Christopher_Mills

Elfyau’s 8.2 Prot Warrior

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Is this still good? what speed is everyone using?

It is still good m8 :smiley: and should be running it @70ms :smiley: Let us know how you go!

if i want to remove Charge i need to delete from
/castsequence reset=target Charge, null
/cast Victory Rush
the line /castsequence reset=target Charge, null
or to replace the charge with Vicrory Ruch like /castsequence reset=target Victory Ruch, null ??

you just need to remove:
/castsequence reset=target Charge, null

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thnx for fast answer :slight_smile:. is really nice macro

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