Elfyau's 8.3 Frost DK Macro **Updated 8-Sep-20**

no worries :slight_smile: if I can think of anything else I will let you know :slight_smile:

Another thing that may work (or not lol) is to highlight the macro then delete icon, highlight again and create icon.

Tested using your old macro (does not have chains of ice in macro rotation and used Inexorable Assault instead of Cold Heart) - I had to put Pillar of Frost on both PreMacro and KeyRelease as I found it wasn’t using it enough with my crit/haste running icecap.

Even though Cold Heart is technically a sim DPS increase I think it won’t work with a lazy macro because it’s only a DPS increase if you use it at 18+ stacks and when hopefully timed with cape proc/bote and pillar - I think for these macros using inexorable + no chains of ice in rotation is more efficient rune wise.

This was done at 50ms repeat over about 5 minutes using my Blood of the Enemy manually.

DPS in reality would be about 85k to 90k pure single target as the training dummy was in execute phase for a long time (reaping flames proc’s skew the results to make it look higher).


480 item level DK with 50% crit, 61% haste, 43% mastery

Overall I would say awesome macro for frost, does close to exactly what it should priority wise.

Would have cleared 100k single target if I let it run longer due to reaping flame procs.

Did not use Flask, Food, Augment or Pots for this test.

Done with talents 1222111

Haven’t tried testing out any AOE yet.


Could have changed the PreMacro Reaping Flames (which isn’t even being used) to Heart of Azeroth as I was just using my Blood of the Enemy on cooldown anyway, not timing it with anything.

Hopefully this helps with anyone trying out some Frost DK single target :slight_smile:

Thanks for the awesome feedback!! Will have a look at this in compared to mine and see what happens very soon! Thanks again!! A big thumbs up!!

What Talents have you tested with? 1222111?

the ones in the first post are the talents used with this.

Are you able to export your macro with the changes you made?

Updated the macro - new macro in original post! feedback appreciated! Cheers :smiley:


amazing ! nice update !

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Thank you @nefrit I hope it works well for you!

Why not include the Heart of Azeroth neck in the rotation?

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@Sarcophagus look in the macro for /cast [nochanneling] Heart Essence if it is not there look for /cast [nochanneling] Reaping Flames and replace it with /cast [nochanneling] Heart Essence

That worked! Thank you!

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No worries happy gaming!

This is awesome as always! I’m new to Frost DK and initially thought why there’s no AOE modifier. But I guess there’s no need for an AOE as it does a pretty good job at it. Still leveling though.

It gets better at higher levels :smiley: