Elfyau's 8.3 Resto Druid DPS/Healing Macro **Updated 11-Sep-20**

:slight_smile: let me know how you go :slight_smile:

Updated the macro - new macro in original post. Feedback is most welcome and appreciated!

uuggg, your gonna make me go heal some stuff now!!! lol jk, go test it asap

lol, that would be awesome thank you!! :smiley:

well works great, just healed a raid and didnt do to bad. no one died more than normal. lol

LMFAO well, that is a step in the right direction :wink:

Coming from purely a heal bot background…how is this macro used? Do I have to manually target a party member first or what?

No, you just need to mouseover the party frames :slight_smile:

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I have a quick question. A bunch of your macros say 2 versions and to use version 1 for default and version 2 is for everything else… How do I make it run version 2?

in the macro settings the first page when you open the macro you will see a lost towards the bottom that say things like default, raid, dungeon, pvp. change the default number to the version you want to use for everything and you can fine tune what macro loads for each other specific area of gameplay.


awesome thank you so much!!!

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