Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Holy Priest Macro **Updated 04-Oct-22**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Priest macros!! To find the plugins you can go to curseforge or your curse client and search for either “Elfyau” or “GSE” and they should show up in the results.

2 macros, one for DPS and one for Heals. I think the DPS is going well, but what are your thoughts about the Heals?
When in a dungeon, raid, etc. set the @focus to the tank.

Made @250ms

TALENTS:- 2,?,2,2,1,2,2



Usage Information

Made @250ms
When in Dungeon, Raid etc can set @focus to tank

This macro is dedicated to my AWESOME Patreons <3

Andy Erickson, Donald, Robert Pipan, Brian Dickerson, bryan, eric ricker, Kal basra, Kristopher Bowling, Nick Zellmer, Jeremy, chris bawden, Fredrik Feros Haugli, ARTEX,
Ben Hocking, mourad abrahim, Homebrew, Christopher Cabrera, Mark Robinson, Eoy, Fatality, Volker Brendecke, Alan Wilmouth, Randy Barton, Toril Harink, Jakob Andersen, Johan Lindqvist, Ahmed M, daniel hanson

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.06.

SHIFT:- Guardian Spirit


Usage Information

Made @250ms
When in Dungeon, Raid etc can set @focus to tank
SHIFT:- @mouseover for Guardian Spirit

This macro is dedicated to my AWESOME Patreons <3

Andy Erickson, Donald, Robert Pipan, Brian Dickerson, bryan, eric ricker, Kal basra, Kristopher Bowling, Nick Zellmer, Jeremy, chris bawden, Fredrik Feros Haugli, ARTEX,
Ben Hocking, mourad abrahim, Homebrew, Christopher Cabrera, Mark Robinson, Eoy, Fatality, Volker Brendecke, Alan Wilmouth, Randy Barton, Toril Harink, Jakob Andersen, Johan Lindqvist, Ahmed M, daniel hanson

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.06.

Feedback is welcome and encouraged! Remember, the more feedback I have, the more I may be able to improve the macros!

P.s. Like what I do? Why not buy me a coffee? Also, if you have a chance to check out my Twitch , I use GSE macros on all of my toons! Or catch me on other social platforms!!


Updated the macro. The new macro is in the original post! Cheers :dash:

do tanks need to focused?

is it set for raid healing or dungeons?

You should always focus the tank if there is one

love your macros. i went kyrian and would like to know how I can macro the boon of the ascended sequence. i wanted something like cast boon of the ascended then Ascended Blast, Ascended Nova, Ascended Nova, Ascended Blast, Ascended Nova, Ascended Nova but it seems to just spam Nova when I try something

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@larry-dumas1 I would probably put it on a modifier for something like that in the ‘KepPress’ variable.
/castsequence [mod:alt, nochanneling] reset=10 Boon of the Ascended, Ascended Blast, Ascended Nova, Ascended Nova, Ascended Blast, Ascended Nova, Ascended Nova

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Looking forward to your holy priest macro for 9.2.5!


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and Via Curseforge. Let me know what you think. Cheers! :innocent:

Great!my bro!Try later!

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can you make a pvp holy priest one ??? I can really use it

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers! :innocent: