Elfyau’s (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Vengeance Demon Hunter Macro **Updated 12-Sep-22**

its in the PreMacro and PostMacro.

figured it out, because vengeance doesn’t even have that ability. The ability is actual demon spikes. Click edit macro, check you will see vengeful retreat. but now click the config tab, then click back to tab 1 and you will now see that it is actually demon spikes :wink:

OMG!!! i am dumb. i was using this on Havoc, why i thought it was weird it did that spell. sorry for the confusion. LOL


Hello @Siodar

FYI in the first tab ( where you can change your pve / pvp / mythic default number tab ), u can change for which spec the macro selected should be ( so it can be shared with other characters /w same spec too )


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IM REALLY CONFUSED, DEMONS BITE IS A HAVOC ABILITY? but this is a Vengeance build, when i load it it has demons bite but then when i click on new it all changes to fracture??? or is my data base corrupt or something??? Im losing my mind lol

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Hello there @Emaysee.

So u have been in the forums for months, and havent event created a topic.

For that i encourage you to read and learn the how to, the whys, and the when of GSE ( and the forum ).

About your question, theres a post @TimothyLuke created ( again? ) just 2 days ago ( tired to explain almost every day how )


this Great macro really doing well :slight_smile: keep going

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Did I accidently end up in a Linux forum?

i dont think so. i’m not using linux.

yea thanks Boomer…

Just a quick question that might be lvl related. With soul cleave using 30 Fury, Fel Devastation never seems to go off because I never hit 50 Fury.
Is it a lvl thing does it just go off very rarely>

That could be difficult to say since there are a lot of things that may have an effect on it (such as soul bind abilities). However, I can say there is not much in the macro that will generate fury reliably (the only skills I can see that would generate fury are ones that require you to interrupt or ones that require you to remove a buff from a mob and thus they will not always trigger). This can be especially bad when in a group where people take turns casting interrupts to prevent multiple people from attempting it at the same time and if you are in 1 of those parts just explain the situation beforehand and call out that you have the next one whenever you notice your inturupt is off its cooldown. You could also replace abysall strike with feel blade to get more fury reliably but I do not recommend it since you will be lower dps and besides as a veng dh fury is not needed nearly as much as it is with havoc dh (almost none of your important skills need fury). I will say that there are some skills you should replace instead of going for the ones in the macro if you want to be as effective as possible. The macro suggests using 1213111 but if you look at the icyveins guide (linked at the bottom if this reply) they explain what skills you should use and what ones that are trash in comparison. The macro suggests using some of the ones that are listed as trash and so you may want to change those skills yourself (do not forget to edit the macro to put any skills you got from those changes and/or remove any skills from the macro that you get rid of). I personally went with 1233221 so that I gain dps but I do not lose any protection but I had to edit the macro to do that and you may prefer just changing from the crap skills to 1 of the passives in the same row (will save some time/trouble bc you will not have to edit macro as much). Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Spec, Builds, and Talents - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - World of Warcraft - Icy Veins


Macro updated!! New macro in original post! :slight_smile:

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建议把飞刀去掉 :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Just a simple question my friend, i would like to know if i have to hook the [Show Current Spells] box for this to work properly ?

Also, Inner Loop Limit set to 1 ?

On the Priority List 1 12 123 1234 ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

add [nochanneling,combat] in all lines for Fel Devastation

any updates ?

Loving this Macro! Working great. I have chosen the Necrolord Covenant. Wondering if you could suggest where to insert the Fleshcraft spell?

To be honest, it is something I would use manually, but otherwise, I would replace the Metamorphosis alt command with that if I were going to do it or maybe add it on a ctrl modifier and use Meta manually.

is there any way to add
Elysian Decree to this macro

Read the first post dude. It’s already there.