Elfyau's DF v1.3 Beastmaster Hunter **Updated 29-Dec-23**

B0PAIlFMjeNhnEouGfV8Ij2uSRCaJAIEAAAAAAAAAAAaQIBJSikQkEaCRIJkDkkEakEB is what I am currently using.
The overall DPS is slightly lower than when I use Dire Beast and Hunter’s Prey, but this way I don’t have to fiddle with the macro or add extra keypresses for Dire Beast.

Completely agree - that would use the Patchwerk fight if I remember correctly? I just wanted to see what would be best for m+, so usually pulls of 6-8 mobs and I didn’t think that the Patchwerk fight would give me realistic comparisons.

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Wont even target… think it is mod not u though … used to work before now does do crap other than get me dead

Hectic add cleave and set time to what it normally takes your group to finish.

Go to keypress on tab 2 and change the target line to

/target [target, harm, nodead][@focustarget, harm, nodead]

This will keep the target you have chosen or target your focus target. Pets wont run wild.

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Just updated to ElvUI 13.14. Could be a coincidence, but now my shift modifier has stopped working - my single target rotation still works fine, but when I press shift for multi-shot, etc nothing happens at all. It even stops my single target rotation from firing.
When I use the ST macro as button 1 and AoE as button 2 that works fine - only issue seems to be with the shift modifier.
Anyone else having similar issues?

hey, same here , something broke :slight_smile:

In WoW Options, check for any Shift Key assignments, including anything grayed out. Lock action bars was the one I missed. Check ElvUI keyboard shortcuts too. Hope that helps.

I had the same issue of modifiers not working after upgrading ElvUI. I reverted to version 13.11 and the problem is now resolved. I’ll stick with 13.11 for now.

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How do you use different templates in the macro?

They’ll switch automatically to correspond with whatever that you choose or what’s been chosen by the author.

you can also reset the Default to whatever tab you like

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Is this macro Holding 3 stacks of barb shot?

I rly like your one Button macro. For me i added barbed shot to strg on keypress. So i timed it by my self. So every can used directly and i Manage the stacks by myself.

Thx a lot

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Not rly, but every macro do not hold 3 Stacks because you cant include logic in macros

Barbed Shot duration Always 8 sec. With a castsequence i think i can time that . I will do a macro that hold stacks These days. For st and aoe

Go into GSE options>troubleshooting uncheck ActionButtonUseKeyDown. This worked for me and I hopes this helps anybody.

This is the import string of talents that are recommended to use with his Macro
Greets Keed

can not get these to load for some reason

this TALENTS no good,DPS is very low