Elfyau's DF v1.4 Vengeance Demon Hunter **Updated 20-Feb-24**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Demon Hunter macros!! To find the plugins you can go to curseforge or your curse client and search for either “Elfyau” or “GSE” and they should show up in the results.

Fellow Vengeance pals, fess up: I built this macro while channelling my inner imp, accidentally using its chaotic headbanging instead of keybinds. It throws Fiery Brand faster than a gnome chef throwing insults! I’ve had enough chaotic moshing for now, so it’s your turn! Test this pixelated demon mosh pit, witness the imp-like button-mashing, and tell me if any mobs escape the blender! Your feedback is the only thing missing (besides actual imp horns, maybe).





Usage Information

v1.4 Made @250ms
SHIFT:- For Infernal Strike @player
ALT:- For Metamorphosis

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

Your feedback is the rocket fuel that blasts these macros into legend! Every click, every comment, every nitpick - consider it a vote for future awesomeness.

Tell me how I can make them smoother, stronger, faster. Together, we’ll craft tools that take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s unlock the macro magic! :sparkles:

P.S. Like what I do? Why not Shout me a coffee? Also, if you have a chance to check out my Twitch , I use GSE macros on all of my toons! Or catch me on other social platforms!!


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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pretty good macro, is the infernal strike supposed to be at the target or just where ever your mouse is? I feel like this one doesnt have as much survivability as the IZZI one but it is very viable for normal raids and probably really good for mythics with the addition of the silencing rune compared to izzi who didnt have that.

The Infernal Strike is just @player (mostly because I forget about it until I am in with the mobs lol (Or if I don’t then I use it manually)

Doesnt seem to be doing it at the target is why I asked.

just got done testing it and it is doing it for me. not sure why its not on your end.

@ldarkfoxxl are you holding shift to cast it?

I seem to be having trouble holding aggro, anyone have any tips? 420ilvl 33% crit 13% haste 22% mastery 15% Vers. +8 Nelths Lair, 27k DPS overall

Elfy, great macros as usual I use them on my 5 toons. From Shadow Priest to warrior, Bm Havoc and Vengence Demon Hunters and warlocks to Mages, whew… Always come to you for the macros and G Pau. You are tops Elfy!!!


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

After updating the GSE and wow. it is still out of date.

Possibly because of the latest patch - I will try and update the talent string later today.

update GSE doesnt make the talents out dated. the game itself makes the talents out dated.

Elfyau will be indisposed for awhile. RL and his health has hit hard. please be patient for any updates or responses til he can. i will help as best i can when needed.

And once again blizzard fuck up talents


Any one have a working talent build for this macro yet? I’d love it if someone could share their import string!

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!