Elfyau's DF v1.4 Beastmaster Hunter **Updated 26-April-24**

Is this macro Holding 3 stacks of barb shot?

I rly like your one Button macro. For me i added barbed shot to strg on keypress. So i timed it by my self. So every can used directly and i Manage the stacks by myself.

Thx a lot

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Not rly, but every macro do not hold 3 Stacks because you cant include logic in macros

Barbed Shot duration Always 8 sec. With a castsequence i think i can time that . I will do a macro that hold stacks These days. For st and aoe

Go into GSE options>troubleshooting uncheck ActionButtonUseKeyDown. This worked for me and I hopes this helps anybody.

This is the import string of talents that are recommended to use with his Macro
Greets Keed

can not get these to load for some reason

this TALENTS no good,DPS is very low


please tell me your working on a MM macro :smiley:

@william-martin hopefully will have one soon (ish)

Would anyone know why the Alt modifier for Binding Shot never seem to work for me? The Shift for AoE/Multi Shot works without issues.

Blizz has broken the alt @cursor in pre-patch I left it in there in the hopes they will be fixing it. if still wanted I know @cursor works with ctrl so just change it to that for the moment if you need/want it.

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I was wondering if you make a marco with multi shot using these talents

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Good to know, thanks!

your macro’s rule lol

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Hey there Elfyau, I use the @cursor in many of my own macros and they work just fine. The only thing you have to watch out for is it firing off where ever your cursor happens to be on screen when you use the macro because it will hit where ever that is. More often than not, it fails to hit the actual target.

This means being extremely careful to constantly be pointing your cursor at your targeted area. Which can be really challenging. :rofl:

Ok, I just downloaded your macros that go with your talent layout. None of them are working at all for me. I have no idea why or how to fix them so I cannot use them.

if you check when this maco was updated its a few months back :slight_smile: 16th of december :slight_smile: Talents have changed since then and this was made for release of DF with leveling at mind I belive ^^,

Yea. I see that. I also noticed his last visit here was Jan 5th so I assumed he had updated it on Curse…sigh. Ok, I’ll have to find another bm setup then.

I was hoping it would work because my hunter is still only 64.

This is the message that went out on Feb 17th. and is still in effect til Elf is back:

good evening all. i wanted to get this out for everybody. Elf is going to be gone for either small amount or large amount of time. they changed his meds and its taking a big hit to him. so please be paitient with him on any updates while he gets used to new meds. Thank you.