Elfyau's DF v1.3 Demonology Warlock **Updated 06-June-24**

@peter-jamieson have you checked your keybinds? sounds like a SHIFT issue not a macro issue

ooh Elf are you back?!

@WeWereCreatures I am yes :slight_smile: though things might be a little slower than normal


Good to have you back. Much to update I’m sure haha

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Has the Shift key been figured out? It hangs and stops on the Deamonbolt, doesn’t execute, or moves on.

Happy with the macro, it helps greatly.

@MalusAngelus have you checked your keybinds? sounds like a SHIFT issue not a macro issue

Thanks for replying,
I found after Googling and reading a search hit that brought me to LM’s messages. I’m using ElvUi and found that in the “Pick Up Action” it was set to use the Shift key selected to none in the drop-down box and this fixed the problem.

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has anyone got an update for the talents?

Hey, Elf and all the others. I’m running this Destro lock with your macro at 250ms. I have some luck with your WW macro with high numbers. But I do not seem to do the same with the destro lock. Gear lvl is 434. Crit 24%, Haste 29%, mastery 48% and Vers 9%
Intell is 10.127
Thank you.

this is demo lock buddy ?

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

Hello, I’ve been following you for a long time, you’ve written a lot of great macros, I’ve made some optimizations for your macro, and now the demon arrow is automatically released, and it feels good to use


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Hi Blue. Some of the spells are showing up as Chinese. I wanted to check this out. Can you please look at the Keypress and Keyrelease?

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Please go post your macro into its own Thread. dont want ppl to get confused. thank you


Okay, I’ve just started joining the World of Warcraft US region, and when the network is fixed and you can buy game time, I’ll replace the skills with Cheng English

Hey Elfyau,

Sometimes the macro will start looping too many shadowbolts. Any tips on that. I have the MS at 250

@nukester you could try changing the interval to a higher number as it is a repeat box
If that doesn’t work for you copy the content of the box, delete it via the cross next to the block path and create just a normal block for it.

Funny you said that. That’s exactly what I tried to great success. Moving to 10 was too high, but 9 was my sweet spot. Also made sure my keyboard delay was 250 and also 250 in GSE. Now my dps, even when I cannot turred is pretty darned good.

I did modify the talents ever so slightly. Took away the benefits of implosion for more passive damage.

Question. Has there been any success adding a Demonbolt (Only if instant) after Hand of Guldan? This is my first time back to my lock since Shadowlands.

Thank you!


I am afraid not (at least yet) sorry

Hey Elfyau,

Just wanted to thank you for the time and work you put into this. I was a little hesitant to get back on my warlock, but this made it feel comfortable again.

All I did was tweak a few talents. I’m still messing around with the Demonbolt “Autocast” when instant thing. No luck. If only there was a way to use /castsequence with it and have your toon move one movement, that would stop any instant cast. I’m still thinking outside of the box on this.