Elfyau's DF v1.4 Feral Druid **Updated 02-April-24**

your feral aoe and st macros is str8 fire 10 out of 10 stars

OB and ST change me into bear form for some reason ;(

If OB and ST are doing that then AOE will be too as they are all set at the same number saying that depending on how many forms for the druid you have your feral form may be a different number to mine, edit the macro go to the keypress section and find: /cast [noform:2] Cat Form - change the 2 to something else no larger than the number of forms you have and save and test - repeat until you find the correct form number for you

having a great time with the macros really helps a lot. question… how close is this supposed to come in a sim for damage, patchwork single-target for about 5 mins? I’m ilvl 393 and raid bots is saying I’m supposed to be holding 50k. I can get to about 60 in burst full CDS, but I can hold like 28k/30k

it depends on your computer and internet setup. some ppl will get sim some wont.

i remember that ther is a ms setting in the macro, do you think its better to set the ms there or leave it up to the AHK or keyboard/mouse software

Elfs stuff is set to 250. but not everybody runs them at that speed.
Use your mouse/Keyboard one

i started using OB macro’s in Legion and it opens a whole new world for me. maybe i just suck at the game but Darkmanz bear macro and your kitty macro made it possible for me to run +15 keys. i quit during BFA, only witnessed the launch of Shadowlands so when i got back for DF only a few days ago, i was thrilled to see you are still going strong! thank you for these macro’s! its because of your kitty macro i actually started liking feral. hope you will continue making them <3


@Avicarni thank you for your kind words - I am over the moon that they help you enjoy the game! I am still working on them and as of the moment will be for the foreseeable future :slight_smile:


cant get talents to load too tbh get loadout out of date weird

cuz of the patch. all Talents are old if made before last tuesday.

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Fixed talents after patch 10.0.5 changes. New talents have been applied and can be found in the original post and the Curseforge plugin has been updated.

talents wont import at all tried numerous times

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I can’t get talent’s to import either.

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Has been reported to Elf. soon as he available. i will crack the whip and get him to fix it. lol


So the macro in the original post is outdated? We have to do it via the plugin? Thanks for your work :slight_smile:

The plugin is the same atm - I am working on fixing it now - seems Blizz left a point on a talent that had changed from 2 to 1 trying to get it to work now and will update again - sorry everyone and thank you for your patience <3

Ok updated again and fixed - everything should be working now and is in the original post and on Curseforge - thank you and sorry about the trouble


Thank you Elfy much appreciated <3

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You sir are best! Thx alot for your macros and your work!

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