Elfyau's DF v1.3 Marksman Hunter **Updated 11-June-24**

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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Elfyau will be indisposed for awhile. RL and his health has hit hard. please be patient for any updates or responses til he can. i will help as best i can when needed.

Hello, I use the original macros for Hunt Précision but I would like to integrate Précision first and then insert it as soon as it is available, how do I do it? Could there be an update to get it? Sorry for my english , i use Google translate :slight_smile:

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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Hey Elfyau. You have a few lua errors that popup on this macro. Mostly it’s because the spell you call after Hunter’s Pet no longer exists You also have different talent sets in the addon on curseforge vs this post as well.

Your Survival works fantastic! Testing this one out now. I made some manual changes to get rid of the nulls

I will be updating this soonish, I will address these issues then. Thanks for letting me know!

Hey! Feel free to ping me if you need a tester. I threw some donations over to you as well. Your macros help so many people! I’m going through chemo right now and my hands are shaky as hell so GSe is a lifesaver.


Sorry to hear about the Chemo, it isn’t pleasant I too went to GSE because of that very reason!
Thank you for the donation - I hope my GSE and the macro creators can keep creating stuff that lets you play and play well!


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

Hello , for some reason the macro does not work smoothly .Most of the time u can’t change target or its just stop working after you use it for one target or groups . I need to reload my UI all the time , but its rly funny when you are in the raid or M + .

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are talking about the OB or the ST/AoE macros?

Its about St/Aoe macros

I will check to see if I can recreate this problem

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Ty for that answer. i have spent about a hour testing and i am not getting any issues. wondering if a addon that was updated maybe is causing a issue.

Could also be your trinkets are stopping the macro or wrong talents (like they didnt go in correctly) maybe.


Thanks for your efforts .Its not the addon or macro , because i start to use new macros yesterday , i did not had any problems with the old macros , but i delete them .I would be appreciated if you keep copy of them and can share it .Thank you .

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I am having the same issue. It’s the ST macro. After a while it stops working and just auto-shots. If I die it works again. Hoping this can be fixed as your macros are my go to for all my toons. Thank you for your work!

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its something on your ends Gert and Redoh. we have had a few ppl test out the macro and they are not having any issues. They have been tested in Open world, N-M10 dungeons and up to Heroic Raids. If Elf and his test team cant reproduce the problems, cant fix it.

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I will make an effort to address these issues, but I cannot guarantee that I will have a solution before TWW launches. I will ensure to prioritize working on these problems in TWW.


I am seeing the same thing, macro hangs after swapping targets

i am seeing the same thing