Elfyau's DF v1.4 Subtlety Rogue **Updated 23-May-24**

Just tested, still works flawlessly, talent code works too.


Kannst du das ganze teilen per PM, bitte :slight_smile:

Would you please share via PM, thanks

Elfyau will be indisposed for awhile. RL and his health has hit hard. please be patient for any updates or responses til he can. i will help as best i can when needed.

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The talent trees were reset with today’s patch. Any chance you can update this or macro?

read up one post from yours please.
new Talents i would suggest Wowhead.

I did read your post. That’s why I asked if there was any chance you could help. But, off to WoWhead I go!

I loved this macro and still hoping that Elf’s situation improves and can update it… meanwhile, can anyone that’s updated/tweaked this macro please share (privately or publicly)?


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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

I’ve followed the Macro and Talents, but what skill/talent is it trying to use when in the middle of a fight I keep getting the message I need a target, I need a target etc?

I will check mine again to see if mine is doing the same. Mean while what trinkets do you have?

I believe It’s trying to find a target to trigger tricks of the trade. You’ll need to set yourself as focus or focus the MT in a group and that should get rid of the “I need a target”.

TotT doesnt work of self target, has to be someone else.

I erased tricks of the trade from the rotation and it improved my dps and no more complaints about you have no target

how would that help dps its not on the GCD thats odd

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this is my simc

and it does not do that much dps. When running the rotation on training dummy in valdrakken it gives my 65k on singeltarget. So what is wrong with the rotation or my character???

Try setting the simulation to Target Dummy and not Patchwork

Elfs Macros are not made on high iLvl toons. he just gets on a toon to make the macro, test it, then releases it. it not really tested on anything harder than target dummies and mobs in the world.
he just being a cool person and putting out macros for all classes and specs. then from there people can adjust them to their liking.

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Agree with you. Some comments here are rude and those people should be banned in my opinion. Most of us justdo macros to help others. We do sometimes for ourselves and share here to help other to improve it but at least they have something to start with, and all we get is “talents out of date”, “this does not work very well” … that is so demotivating. If you are that dumb that you can’t pick the talents from Wowhead or if you can’t update the macro by yourself don’t come here to sh1it on people only trying to help. I am able to play most of my toons due to Elfs macros and other macros I am so glad this site exists.


I am NOT trying to be rude or anything, I love his work and all the time he puts in making them. He has helped me with his macros to play wow again. I have some health issues that makes it impossible for me to play the normal way. I am just trying to get some help with the macro so that i can make the most out of my rogue. So frome the bottom of my heart i would like to say that i am sorry if i offended anyone with my comments here