This macro is soo good, I am doing over 80k single target dps with 406ilvl
lol, and i am on his booty about it needs to be updated now.
Hope Elf’s doing okay! But honestly, RET is killing it in all content. So, I think it’s time to make an exception and roll out an update for the bad boy. What do you think?
The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
Hi none of your macros work for I dont know why. Izzys are the only ones that fire. I have no idea what’s causing it. Ive done the basic troubleshooting already.
Try this.
Noob question: If I’m leveling, I have to use edit to delete all the spells that I don’t have, correct?
no need to delete them ^^
you can also, if a whole block is unusable, just disable the block.
Not sure why but the macro will not update talents using the update talents button on the macro itself. I had to search for this macro and come here and get the talent string because the one you have in the macro is not working. The one for the hunter works but this one doesn’t I had to do it manually.
EDIT: Also there is an issue with the macro where I can’t right click my screen and turn my character while this macro is running. I’m able to turn my camera no issue with izzy macro but I can’t with yours no idea why. I use right click on my screen to turn my character smoothly so I don’t have to use the A and D buttons as often but this macro is causing issues with this.
@David_Brown I will check the talent string and fix it if needed, thanks for pointing it out. As for the right-click issue check your trinkets if any of them are a cast or use at location then disable them in the macro or exchange for another trinket
You can just copy the string and import the talents. No need to come here to copy them
The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
Hello All,
I am struggling with working this macro, (I have recently hurt my hands so I’d like to use macros). For some reason once i follow all the steps, i have to continuously hit the action button to cycle through it. Would someone be able to guide me 1 on 1? Cheers
@ShriggaShrek here this video will help get you started on your GSE journey:
Hello, a small patch came out today and the GSE in the game looks completely different and I can’t fight it either. Can you tell me how it works now? Can anyone help me with how the new gse works or is it currently out?
you need to get a TWW macro now to be able to play.
A “small patch?” If the TWW pre-patch and the implementation of some of the biggest changes in modern WoW is a “small patch,” then what in the world would you consider a big patch?! lol All addons are usually broken during this timeframe, and during expansion launches, so you kind of have to muddle through until the content creators update their work.
Not gonna lie, this macro served as a reason I didn’t quit the game and thank you for that. Not sure why WOW would change and break this but they certainly did with the pre-patch. New to the community I have not learned enough to fix and share it so I hope there are plans for ya to update it. Nothing against the others, not at all they rock, but this one served my play style the best and was the easiest so far. Great work btw!!