Elfyau's DF v1.5 Shadow Priest **Updated 16-May-24**

this has only been happening after a little bit

Perhaps be a little more descriptive as to what is happening, what has changed. I assume you deleted the macro and re-installed?

how can i be more descriptive ?
Use the macro for a short period during a fight then it just stops and locks up drop target re target wont start again just full brakes

be more descriptive as in what have you tried to fix it yourself? like what @KnightBreed asked about did you delete and import again? things like this so we know where to help, instead of suggesting and you saying “I did that already”

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updated talents for latest patch


is anyone about to get much of any dps out of this? i can’t seem to pull over 16k with 395 ilvl

yeah same im LFR ilvl and cant get over 7k its alot of doing nothing

ya non of the shadow priest macros are really working i been trying to edit them to make work but still vary low dps on ST mostly and sup par on AOE on all macros in here

@Zaptear what do you feel they are missing? in both ST and MT? I will take notes and see what I can do next update.

im not saying you did bad work you do a hell of a job i just dont know if GSE can be used that well with the way sp is built right now with if this proc is up use this if this buff is up use that… and how much the builds need to be moved around in raids per boss…
Shadow Priest DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - World of Warcraft - Icy Veins (icy-veins.com)

non of the macros atm are working that well i have been spending a lot of time trying to build one or EDIT one with still no luck

No but the Talents are lol and I would venture to say that is why a lot of people are asking for updates

all you need to do is put his import in wowhead build clalc and then get the new string so u can update them that way np

Please try to think about this not all people are smart as in Coding I know I’m not but with the way you sit there behind your screen telling us to stop asking for lvl 70 updates is rude you should take into consideration that they might be asking this type of question and not for the type of update your talking about and I would venture to say that talent’s are why a lot of people are asking for updates. Also Sorry for sounding rude on my part as I am one that doesn’t know a thing about coding these type of macros if I did I personally would be making my own

and he will when he comes back to this class/spec. he is still working the classes/specs he hasnt put out since DF came out.

This has been a automated message lol jk

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ya sorry i did deleted after re reading cuz it was rude and uncalled for thats what i get when coming here when drinking lol i guess you got to it before it was deleted

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ya i been trying to get it down my self but dam SP is one hard class to macro

I am trying to get him to look into this one. i think he “might” after he finishes the class he working on right now. i kinda like to get my SP going again.

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All macros, weakauras, talent builds and layouts were updated yesterday. :beers:

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tried yours still cant get over 24k st and ya the updated one must be sp dont macro well