The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
hey me again got a issue where the macro just isent using void eruption mind spike ? is that design or ?
mb i ment void eruption and void bolt
Is there any new update to talents?
not for a awhile. This spec is close to the bottom of his list of needing updates. go to Wowhead or icy-veins til he gets back to this spec.
Fixed Void Eruption, macro available in the original post and via Curseforge (When approved)
Says talents are out of date
just imported it again and it worked fine for me.
I even used the ones from his plugin and it still says out of date
this macro with a couple of self tweaks works amazingly with making mind blast manual cast as it dosnt work 100% of the time with macro great work elfy
What kind tweaks did you make?
Hi Guys… Could someone help me here … I have got the macro all set up i hvae been using it all of the sudden it stops… now i cannot dps with the1 button macro … why and what has caused this… i have turned off all my addons and such and still the problem lies… HELP
Is this happening with any other macros?
yes it is ive tried everything i used yours before now it just flickers through the dps without doing anything
since this is the 2nd place you posted same issue. gonna delete the other one and post a solution here.
I would also suggest checking to see if you have made sure you have the correct Talents as well.
I have tried on other chars i.e paladin retriubution and the macros are working fine there its the priest that nothing is working on… any hints how i can get to do this ?
This is strange I will look into it, though to be honest unless I can re-create your issue I don’t think I will be able to suggest much.
Hi, is there anywhere where i can send you a veideo of what exactly is happening at all ? I have 2 videos explainging this … Thanks