What UI would you suggest?
LOL. I use NDui. but Evlui has more features, why its so popular.
Was this in ElvUI or in GSE?
Hey Elfy, thanks for helping me. Also will put NDui off a bit. But I wanted to let you know I corrected the issue with the macro by renaming WTF, Interface and Cache all to old and restarting Wow fresh. Reinstalling Elvui and add-ons I use. Now you’re macro for Havoc Demon Hunter does 350k Dps @ Ilvl 496. T5 set. The Glaive tempest is a good talent. Good job Elfy.
not just GSE, its the bane of many addons and taints.
Personally I use Elvui and I haven’t had any issues with it.
well your in australia. you all are weird. lol jk
The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
Hi Elfy, what are your thoughts on addon Wow Tools, I think it’s kind of cool. Also I made a very little change in the Havoc and Vengeance Demon Hunter GSE for a little more Dps. I think it’s good . Added Chaos Strike the CD is low. Put it on modifier Alt key. I always check your latest updates. Are you on Patreon I would support you. Keep well.
I don’t know the addon, it’s great you can make the macro suit your toon and playstyle. As for Patreon yes I have one - if you follow the link in the macro you will find it.
heey its realy nice marco but i feel like my SC dont pop so much
Hey Elfy, I am using your new WWI Sequence and all is fine. All You deserve alot of credit for your hard work. I am grateful very much so. I want to add Glaive Tempest but I hesitate to change the talents. Cheers to Larry and Gpanda and much more.
You need to go to TWW section. These sequences don’t work any more.