Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Unholy Death Knight Macro **Updated 20-Sep-22**

Hi, I noticed something else.
In the Macro Variables area

the spells are displayed white. And do not work.

Only when I overwrite the spells with my game language they have a function again.


maybe this helps a little.

Thank you for your good work.
Stay healthy.

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@Sommy looks like it is a translation issue. I do apologize for that. That side of things TimothyLuke would know about.

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Oh, all good. It could have been that it contributes to this problem. I will make a post at Curse.

Thx. Stay healthy

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Hello a little information for you. according to TimothyLuke it is not a translation issue. There is no translation in the variable area.

see his explanation. translation issue [BUG] · Issue #1053 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub
I will always translate the part myself now. Your macros remain my number one.
Stay healthly.

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Question, Always confused me when saying “Run @250ms” I understand 250 Milliseconds, but how the hell am im going to tell finger when 250ms is?

lol all good. Just click it at a rate you are happy with that the macro seems to work for you. I use mouse software to click the button for me while I hold it and when I create the macro it is running @250ms. This is just a recommendation :+1:

Can you share this program?

@Arclight I could but you would need to have the same mouse like me to use it. What mouse do you have?

I have many, but right now using a razer mamba elite.

So it seems to still not be using Apocalypse even after the suggested change above, also it is not casting army of the dead unless that is supposed to be on a modifier.

with a razer open/download synapse 3, go into the macro tab and create a macro that presses the button you have your macro on in the game. While creating the macro there is a section that has the MS of how fast the button is pressed. just type in .25 for 250 ms.

Hey Elfy, as always your macro’s are the GOAT.
But I have one question, Where would you slot in covenant ability?

Im with necro on UDK (who else you gonna pick) so that big swingy limb is goated xD

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think! Cheers :skull:

Mine does something wierd aswell, first it dont cast Apocalypse at all, and in middle of the rotation a question mark keep comming showing on the action bar when using the macro, like i dont have a certent spell, i have checked 3 times to make sure my talents are right, i can’t see what i am missing or it just looks up.

i just got done testing this again in normal raid and it working as it should for me. i’m not sure what is causeing the issues your getting. see what Elf says. maybe delete the macro and re import it.

I tryed to import it again, but its still the same…

The question mark will show from time to time this is normal, how are you checking for Apocolypse?

I got the skill on my action bar and its not being used.

4 min 20 sec of testing on dummy.
517k dmg 2.0k dps
10% Crit
23% Haste
61% Mastery
3% Vers

Tbf, I’ve just continued to use Elfy’s 9.1 UH macro and it worked perfectly for me to this point. Haven’t tried this one yet but I will over the next few days when I have time and i will let you know how it works for me :slight_smile:
My DK is 268 ilvl with necro covenant so Aboma Limb does mega dmg anyone in M+ :slight_smile:

EDIT: works fine for me. Only difference is i Choose to use Wraith Walk & Unholy Pact on talents purely by preference!

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