have you checked your keybinds?
Hi Elf,
Very Good Macro . I’m very impress with your hard work and Thank you for your distribution and dedication to Wowlazymacro community. I pulled over 1.5mil damage with only 227 ilvl.
Best regards,
were would i put another kill command as it seems to be off CD for a bit
Hi Elfyau
The Hunter’s Mark, Null is in red when saved and it will not cast the Hunter’s Mark thank you for trying for me
Hello Elfyau! Time to give my review of this macro
When I sim my character, I’m at 15k dps. I’m 290 ilvl with 4 set piece.
Now lets do this in two parts, AoE and ST
- ST:
When I run your macro, boss fights I’m normally between 14k and 20k dps for the fight. - AoE:
2-5 mobs = 30-35k, 5-15 mobs = 35-60k dps
When you then compare it to the sim (Raidbots) you cant really get any closer than this as a sim calculates that you press every key and CD perfectly. I’d say you have nailed this macro to perfection!
I’m running it at 250MS, tried 300MS as I felt it skipped a few kill commands but that just dropped my dps by 2k
Once again, you have delivered well I’ve been in +18 keys with this macro and competing with people above my gear and raid progression.
Thanks again for giving a artrisis wow veteran hope of climbing with his healthy friends
you use the talents listed and what conduits ? dreamweaver with ferocious appetite or bloodletting?
Yes use the talents and your choice/preference for the rest
odd as i sim15k but onyl hitting 10 in ST fights, i tried 250 300 and as low as 110
Hi Elf,
Me again I hope you are well
because healing surge is on alt now, does that mean it can not be put within the macro?
errmm is this question for an enhancement shaman?
yes please mate if it is possible,
weird i seem to have same issue not sure whats wrong tbh
Conduits that I’m using that works well here is the icy-veins ones. Talents I follow what Elfyaus have spesified.
@robadabobada @voodoo
There are a couple of things you can try
- Change the main loop from reverse priority to priority
- at the bottom of the loops is a kill command you can try moving this up in the loop
- A mix of 1 and 2
Save each and test - Stick with what works best
I have a question, cause I’m sure I’m screwing something up.
I am using your talents, and the OB Macro ( the rest is imported but the OB macro is the one I use mainly ).
I am using Punch key ver 3.0 to set the click speed at 250 MS.
Now - the " issue / Question "
According to raid sim with my current setup/gear/etc i Should be pulling around 8.5 K DPS.
But in reality with the macro - I’m barely pushing 5 - it’s mostly stuck between 4.5 and 4.9.K
So - is there anything I’m doing wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.
I see you just replied to 2 people with basically the same question
I will try those suggestions you posted.
i’ll give that a go also i had t change from priority to reverse
I’m confused, how do you change the main loop from reverse priority to priority?
Also what is the best way to add in Hunter’s Mark?
/castsequence [@target,exists,harm,nodead] reset=combat Hunter’s Mark, null
This is the one that works for me for Hunter’s mark. I have it in keypress
Forgive my ignorance, but how can you change to 250ms on a logitech keyboard? what program can i use? Thank you .
@oziis you will need to get and us the logitech g hub software