Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.5 Feral Druid Macro **Updated 11-Aug-22**

I do think this macro will benefit people with a disabilty for sure, But for anything else I don’t see it working that properly…
(Single tartget: 2m 491k 4k dps)
1-Ferocious bite: 196K (39.9%)
2- Rip 73.6K (15%)
3- Melee 54K (11%)
4- Shred 46k (9.4%)
5- Rake 20.3k (4.1%)

(Single target without macro ‘manueel’: 2m 692K 5.5k dps)
1- Ferocious bite: 317k (45.9%)
2- Rip: 85.7k (12.4%)
3- Melee: 59.5k (8.6%
4- Rake 53.3k (7.7%)
5- Shred: 48.5k (7%)

And these are single target on the multi-target runs the diffrence is even bigger :slight_smile: Just some info maybe it will be helpfull for some :slight_smile:

Feral macro’s is one of the hardest due to the bleeds. These macros are never going to be 100%.

I have updated this macro!! The new update can be found both in the original post and on curseforge!! Don’t forget to leave some feedback!! Cheers!! :smirk_cat:

with macro i do dmg 2K normal i do 5K idk if somthing worng or macro need new update

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ya i’m suppose to be doing 8k dps, i know macro’s not always do same amount of damage, but with this macro i only do 4k

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@Excutive_Outcome_gam @Packsie I will have a quick look soon and let you know :slight_smile:

@Excutive_Outcome_gam & @Packsie Edit the macro (doesn’t matter which version you use it is the same action box) and edit the interval for the repeat box shown below, if you are wasting combo points set the interval lower and if not getting enough set it higher. Let me know how you go. Cheers :slight_smile:

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i tried changing that, and it just made dps worse my dear

did you try it both higher and lower?

yes i did, whats weird elfy is that is when i tried both higher and lower made dps worse i dont know why


How much higher or lower did you adjust it by?

i went down 1 then 2 and lost dps, then i went up 1 then 2 still lost dps

@Elfyau yes still low dps

Hi Elfyau

First of great Macro’s you have made and i use them an all my char’s

Quick question, on the ST- Macro dose Tharsh have to be in there or can i replace/remove it as its a Single Target Macro.

Thank you.

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you can remove it if you want. try it and see how the macro and your idea work. and let us know.

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well didn’t let us know ! ; )

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Great macro off the bat, but I have noticed that both the AOE and ST seem to spend combo points before even getting to all five points. Sometimes I see them spent at 2, 3, or 4. Isn’t it always ideal to always spend all five and nothing lower?

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it is yes, sadly procs are playing a big part of this macro - hopefully will be fixed in the next update

I hope Dragonriding expansion will be a lot better for classes because this expansion sucks.

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