Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Destruction Warlock Macro **Updated 23-Aug-22**

hi there, so is better to use ST and AOE or use the one key macro all? any advices?

i use the OB one. but it really goes on how you play.

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Not sure if this was intentional or not but in there is no Chaos Bolt in the OB Macro. I had to manually re-add it in. Also do you think it would worth adding Havoc to the macro or just manually cast it as need be?

@Master85 I will check the macro for chaos bolt, thanks for the heads up, and yes Havoc would probs be better to cast manually :slight_smile:

@Master85 I fixed the problem with the OB macro - seems I imported the wrong one! Thanks for pointing it out :slight_smile:

Havoc is DEF a manual cast spell. It shouldn’t ever be placed in a macro.

@Elfau Thank you for your macros! I have spent hours attempting to bump up DPS on macros I created, and yours works great!

I did remove ‘Unending Resolve’ in the ‘KeyRelease’ variable and replaced it with:

/cast [@mouseover,nochanneling,exists,harm,nodead] Havoc

and it works great for me. I rarely end up putting it on the same mob I am targeting. I just wanted to share in case it helps someone else.

I also added a ‘Covenant’ variable to incorporate the covenant ability into the rotation and listed the following in that block:

/cast [nochanneling,combat] Impending Catastrophe
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Decimating Bolt
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Soul Rot
/cast [nochanneling,combat] Scouring Tithe

And added a 3rd block for it to fire:

/cast [talent:7/2,nochanneling] Channel Demonfire

Would you mind showing this with screenshots or snips of GSE with what you did? I’m a bit confused on what you’re talking about when you say you added a covenant variable and added it to the rotation, etc. Sorry, i’m still learning GSE. :slight_smile:

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Sure, I hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Can you share your import of your modified version with grp? If Elfyau is ok with that in his thread.

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I am more than ok with it, the more we share the more we learn! :smiley:

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Sure :smiley: Here you go



Talents: 2132221

This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.0.73.

  • The Default macro template is 1
  • PVP uses template 2
  • Arenas use template 2
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thanks again for your sharing elfyau macro always appreciated compliments. then the macro for right to go well it is necessary that chaos bolt is used to proc the conflagrate possibly with the cast reduction. in itself impossible to macrare, i nquanto will be used randomly when possible, I suggest for those who want to get the best out of each macro to use a separate keybind for the spell with a weak auras in order to trak when the proc is active and use it at the 100%. for the rest, congratulations for your macros are often an inspiration for others to make their own

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not sure what i’m doing wrong, but this isn’t importing. i have plenty of room for macros. i’ve copied and tried importing three times with no luck. any ideas?

I am not sure. Are you clicking the copy button in the corner of the macro when you hover your mouse over the corner?

What error message are you getting?

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No worries. It started working after i logged out of wow and back in. No idea what it was. I forgot to delete/edit my message. My apologies.

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers! :fire:

@Elfyau was hoping you could give me a hand with a Macro Sequence I am trying to put together for Destruction.

#1) I want to apply Immolate on every new target I target
#2) Use Conflagrate on CD (2 charges) - doesn’t matter what target
#3) Use Incinerate to fill in the macro - doesn’t matter what target

I cant get anything to work. It either cast Immolate way too often, or not enough to keep it refreshed

Any help would be appreciated

try putting immolate at the start of a sequence and then like I dunno 3-5 Incenereates to space out the timing

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Thank you that helped.

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