Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Fire Mage Macro **Updated 08-Sep-22**

Yes the Frostbolt is in there as a slow it may be removed in a future update

Updated macro. The new macro is in the original post, Cheers :fire:

hola soy nuevo en esto de las macros para se usa el
SHIFT: Pyroblast
ALT: @cursor Flamestrike
no entiendo tengo que tenerlo apretado o como

@jimmy solo tienes que sostenerlo hasta que dispare el hechizo y luego soltarlo

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think! Cheers! :magic_wand:

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I’m a bit confused. Many are saying to do a stop cast to prioritize Pyroblast. It’s my understanding that having Fireball and Pyroblast hitting at the same time gives a chance of reactivating a hot streak. Is this something that has changed or is it just isn’t worth messing with because it would really only be relevant when combustion is on CD?

Doesn’t work
nothing happens when press macros

I just finished trying this out again and it is working fine.

i know its low dps. this is just a mage i made to test mage macros. lvl 60 214 iLvl.

@Nimas what does the icon look like when you drag it to the bar?

everthing is ok, just need to translate all spell in russian lang.
After that all work fine.

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si solo le dejas presionado el shift o alt y continuas presionando el macro

The Macro has been updated and is now available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers! :fire:

SO typically I have used VINDs fire mage setup with a slight twist for my conv ability. I found some good and bad things with this version. my ilvl is 240-night fae, no leggo, 4min test for each. my mastery was a tad low for optimal performance but I simd around 4.8 sustained so something is off but not sure what.

  1. ST: burst up to 6.5k but couldn’t maintain more than 3.6k sustained with single target and casting proc pyro every time

  2. one of the best pyro proccing rotations I’ve seen in a while. cast about 20% more than I’m used to.

  3. on AOE: I received a burst in two different attempts over 8k but sustained on a three dummy test at just a little over 5k.

for similar setups, i made sure i did not use time warp and just the rotation running at 250ms and only cast procs as they came up, including covenant, and mirror image

now for comparison.

Vinds set up

AOE: burst at the same three targets 11k but sustained at just under 5.7k. the biggest thing i noticed in the meter was the extra fireball damage and the ignite dot shot up probably due mostly to conflagration and rune of power talents that kept the dots up

ST: with Pyroclasm and Vinds rotation, where I’m only casting pyro on proc, I saw a large increase in crit on the pyro consistently leaving the burst at 8k and sustaining at 4.7 the first time and 5k the second. probably due to crit variations.


ST: i did your rotation but with methods recommended talents of 3,2,3,1,1,2,2 and only casting pyro on proc for ST and what i got was 8.7k burst and sustained 4.4k

AOE: same variables as above and only casting flamestrike on proc but with the same method recommended talents and what i got was. 8.5k on burst and sustained 5.4k after two test.

I think that dragons breath is taking from the rotation and rune of power is adding viable dps with the procs over flame patch.

hopefully that is useful info, still the best procing rotation I’ve seen in forever. and might be different for those with legos, but this is my alts alt .


Whats Vinds setup? And overall are you saying we should just take out dragons breath, and probably add in shifting power?

So it’s based on this rotation and yes that’s what I did to mine. I put shifting power on Ctrl. But I simplified mine after testing @Elfyau and found a few hiccups and small stalls in vinds, but the rotation of elf has better procs all around but vinds has longer and more uptime of dots and better suited on aoe. Elf is really close to nailing this. Something is just off on timing.


hmm Okay yeah i see what your takling about after playing with the two of them for the day


my flame strike does not cast @ cursor instead above my head lol.
any ideas?

couple of glitches in the ui right now. It was like this a few days ago then logged in today and no problem. i don’t believe its a GSE issue but @TimothyLuke would be the one to know if so

If you mucked around with the exploit to cast @target for AoE spells you will need to revert that back to normal. Otherwise you have a WoW problem and need to find and fix that.

GSE can’t change or influence how WoW interprets and executes WoW macro commands unfortunately.

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i switched the shift and alt modifier around and it works now for me.

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