Finding the same thing…was destroying everything til 58 or so…none of the macros posted work for me now. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. They cast shadowstep twice then nothing.
love your macro its the best but how do i keep sound effects on im old school like to hear what i killing
Check your KeyBindings you might have Toggle Sounds setup and with the combo of keys you might be disabling it.
Updated macro for Shadowlands, new macro in original post. Cheers!
Very nice macro mate do you plan on updating all of yours…ty for the macros and your time you put into these
Thank you!! And yes I plan on getting to them all. At this point I am just trying to get them all working on Shadlowlands then I will be going back through them and “tunning” them
Seems that Rupture never cast O.o
what level are is your toon?
@Elfyau Not bad but this hardly uses Eviscerate should be top of your damgage it’s laying in 5th place on the damage meter needs work otherwise it could be a really good macro
Its a 60 rogue, so should not be a issue.
I’ll have a look at the macro again but, it is working for me. How are you checking if it is going off?
Hey. It works when the fights are looooong Just not working on small boss fights it seems so It just needs time.
Hi, and thanks for your macros find the best.
Currently, however, I have here with the Outlow the problem that he does nothing.
Have extra deleted all Maros and it re-imported. Unfortunately without success.
excuse my bad english.
Thank you, stay healthy.
all the red words usually are spells you dont have. are you playing in english or your language? if you are playing the game in your native language, there might be a barrier that isnt translating correctly. this is just my guess and thought it might help a little. you stay healthy also.
Super many many thanks,
Yes I play in German.
Have now all the spells translated entered, and now it works.
Thanks for the tip.
Stay healthy.
I just noticed that I wrote it in the wrong post.
This is for all Elf macro users. if the admin(@lutechi ) like to move or centeralize this message, go ahead.
Elf is in the hospital and they dont know why, other than a infection, so please wait til he says he is back to ask any questions or make any requests. thank you
lol, its good to hear you got it fixed and we all make those wrong forum posts every so often.
Updated macro ready to go, new macro is in the original post. Cheers
Thanks Elf!
I really appreciate your time and effort in making the macros, they are top notch.
The macro has been updated and is available in the original post or via the plugin on curseforge! Cheers, as always let me know what your think!!