Elfyau's TWW v0.1 Balance Druid

binding on keys seems to work, but those ‘bind on action bar’ I can’t find the right ‘actionbutton’ or is that not the actions from bar 1? I see that ‘celestial alignmment’ is not in those sequence, must you cast this then if it is available?

UPDATE: found how to bind on actionbar, better I think because the keybinds otherwise screw up my wow keybinds in general I think, and I saw that celestial realignment is not talented in this build

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how much DPS you do with this in a normal situation? I’m messing with this on a lvl70 druid from remix and on a training dummy I get 42k, is that not low or normal on a training dummy?

this is a pre-patch sequence. so you will need to find out yourself and yes your 70, so your gonna get low numbers.

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moin bekomme ich das gestartet?