Elfyau's TWW v0.1 Mistweaver Monk

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Monk sequences, they are available at both Curseforge and Wago. Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’

We’re excited to unveil the first version of our new macro specifically crafted for Mistweaver Monks. Recognizing the delicate balance and intricate healing techniques of this spec, we’ve developed a macro to elevate your gameplay experience.

This is just the initial version, so there may be some areas for improvement, but we’re committed to refining it with your help. Your feedback is essential as we aim to provide the best experience for Mistweaver Monk players.

Additionally, for direct healing, we’ve included a Character-specific macro called ‘Heal’ designed for this purpose. Simply drag it to your action bar and use it as a standard WoW macro.

We invite you to test this macro and share your thoughts. Whether it’s about rotation smoothness, cooldown management, or overall performance, your input will directly influence future updates.

Let’s master the art of mistweaving together and perfect this macro!



Elfyau’s TWW v0.1 Mistweaver Monk


This package consists of 1 elements.



Your feedback is the secret ingredient that transforms great macros into legendary ones! Every click, comment, and suggestion is a building block for future awesomeness.

Let’s work together to create macros that elevate your gameplay to the next level. Help me make them smoother, stronger, and faster! Let’s unlock the full potential of your character together!

P.S. You can find me on Patreon and other social links at: bio.link/elfyau

please update talents, and fix over 250 characters limit

First off, thank you for all your hard work Elfyau! Much appreciated!

Just wondering if this has been updated to work with the newest patches?

Can you do a healing macro?. The macro called Heal is not there. I got nothing in macro character specific-

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Is your character specific macro tab full?

No it is not full. But i have checked and no Heal macro is there. can you link it here like your other one?

Sure as soon as I have a few moments I will re-export the string and let you know

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same here, no heal macro in CS list

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