Elfyau's TWW v0.2 Assassination Rogue **23-Sep-24**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my ROGUE sequences, they are available at both Curseforge and Wago. Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’

We’re excited to share the release of version 0.2 of our macro designed for Assassination Rogues! This update brings a range of tweaks to improve rotation flow and overall efficiency.

After reviewing feedback from the initial version, I’ve made adjustments to optimize key abilities, ensuring smoother execution and better cooldown management. The goal is to enhance your experience by making the macro more reliable in various situations.

As always, I’d greatly appreciate your feedback on how the macro performs. Whether it’s suggestions for further adjustments or insights on rotation and performance, your input is key to future improvements.

Let’s continue perfecting this macro and take Assassination Rogue gameplay to the next level!



Elfyau’s TWW v0.2 Assassination Rogue


This package consists of 4 elements.


  • EA_AR_MT
  • EA_AR_ST


  • ARS1
  • ARS2

Your feedback is the secret ingredient that transforms great macros into legendary ones! Every click, comment, and suggestion is a building block for future awesomeness.

Let’s work together to create macros that elevate your gameplay to the next level. Help me make them smoother, stronger, and faster! Let’s unlock the full potential of your character together!

P.S. You can find me on Patreon and other social links at: https://bio.link/elfyau


hello thank you for your work ! but i have a question what is the macro ARSTEP for?

*edit: hmm the whole macro does not work for me not one action is executed

Everything works , and i must say pretty good for a combo point class.

ARStep is an in-game macro imported along with the macro.


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remove ARstep macro and use it separately , use this talent with Deathstalker hero talent CMQA27SZpS4XnmFfcXRqkppuwbYmZmZmBDAAAAAAWGmlZAAAAAAIbzMDzMDmZmlZbwMjZMzMzMzwy2yMzAsNzyYjxMmlGzyywkthhFD
this way the macro will work

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ahh now it works =) found the error…

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100% fixed it for me

New to GSE. Can you explain what you mean by removing the macro and using it seperately?

I’m reasonably familiar with GSE and sequences, but I cannot get this to fire.

I’ve imported the talent string and added a “–” in front of the ARStep line in block 1. I’ve set the keybinds properly, but this macro will not fire for me.

Does the character need to be at level 80 with all the Hero talents enabled for this to work?

Appreciate any help here, I feel like I’m close, but it just will not fire for me.

Same, it workt 1HR ago… then quick offline and online after them dont work.
got all checked, nothing worked :frowning:

Mine is working and I am unable to recreate this problem so I hope I can get it fixed in the next update

Just imported/tried today and it performs well

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this macro isnt that great im just breaking 100k dps online and everyone is saying i should be like 300k

It’s a tough spec to macro. I had a good one in Shadowlands, which was a modification to one posted here, but really struggled to get a decent one for all of Dragonflight. I’m hoping to get it going again this expansion.

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This was just my first attempt using the new GSE and talents. Hopefully the next version will be better

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Hey Elf

Any ETA ? Im leveling one now :stuck_out_tongue:


Sadly, no eta atm, it depends on how fast I get through levelling a few other toons first 2 others before I get to Rogues and then it will be up to a vote as to what spec


ya my stupid dps recount was busted tried showing i was doing like 85k with this macro but when i fixed it its showing that im doing about 300k aoe and almost 380k st so this macro works great for me even had like 4 guild members come with me and do there dps recount to ensure and everything checks out my ilvl is 557 btw

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Tried this. Tried reimporting. GSE works fine on druid macro but this one just won’t fire.

Thank you for the ‘workable’ feedback. But on that note, there will be a new version coming out soon that will hopefully resolve everyone’s issues

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So its not showing any icons on the bar ( What its doing) . Also if its not working you have to click your bar with your mouse to get it working. Then key smash from there.

I tested on a rogue, 565. I had a hard time with mobs period. Then i tried to fight those Dark-Crazed Harvesters over in the spread the light Weekly. The ones at the farm running around.

Anyways, i couldnt get it half way dead before i was i dead.

Dunno, Rogues suck really really bad, or none of the macros on this site can make then functional. Hope you get something.