What exactly are you binding to your key? the sequence? or the macro in your character specific macros?
is this Macro ST and Aoe or just ST and is there a recommended MS?
im actually having this same issue right out the gate, Its casting Deathstrike without holding ALT
@BillNyeTGG_1118 I make and use my macros @250ms - Death Strike is in the macro in a sequence with other spells - Holding Alt will use all runic power just on Death Strike
alright thank you ill try it out with a higher MS but i wasnt getting a single FS fire
i really want to get this to work tho i miss having a macro for both AOE and ST lol
May I use this macro to play Dragon Spray? I am used to playing Death Messenger as a specialization because I think it is quite powerful. Thank you
@Chance123 I do not know you would have to test it and see.
@BillNyeTGG_1118 Try using GSE options trouble shooting and clear common keybinds. There is no reason from a code point that Frost strike is not working. As for AOE and ST my Frost DK has always been single button.
omg ty that worked my dps over doubled now sweet thank you very much