Elfyau's TWW v0.3 Arcane Mage **Updated 27-Feb-25**

So you made another macro named AMS1_ST and only have the Arcane Barrage in this macro? How do you call this macro up?

The opposite. Here’s the original AMS1

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast

Here’s the changed AMS1_ST

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast

You have to access these from the Blizzard Macro editor.

In GSE make a copy of EA_AM. I called mine EA_AM_ST. Edit EA_AM_ST and change Block 3.1 from AMS1 to AMS1_ST. Save, change the key binding to point to EA_AM_ST and you should be set.

In a Quest/Dungeon the first trash you pull you will build up the arcane charges. After that, you will be at full charge for the rest of the questing/dungeon as long as you don’t have any long down times.

For raids and multi-target the original with the Arcane Barrage should be better since you have a long time on target to build up the charges and use them. What I saw questing/dungeons is by the time you build up full charges the bad guy is dead and everyone is running to the next badguy while you’re sitting there twirling your hands trying to get arcane barrage to fire.

I’ve heard nothing but good things about your work. I’m a L24 Arcane Mage, gradually getting better at the combat (my wife calls this mage a “glass cannon” but hope springs eternal). Anyway, 2 questions: what does the macro cover? and how do I set it up to access during game play?

Hopefully, this video will help you get setup:

also need to know that this is a lvl 80 sequence. so you might not see good results til about lvl 60 or higher.

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I’m new to macro’s and to the addon you develop and need some guidance on how this works. Plus, is the coding under the title Elfyau’s TWW v0.2 Arcane Mage for the addon or the Talent tree?

You see both in the OP.

Need more info on what help you need?

Hello Siodar,
First like to start with the basics of how this addon works and then how to load pre-made profiles. If there’s a instructional video on how GSE works that would be most helpful. Let’s start here, I’ll probably have more Q? when I learn more about this addon and how to effectively use it.

Scroll to the video at the bottom of this page. If you have more questions. Come to Elfyau’s or WLM discord

Is this macro still up to date? Would you recommend it for leveling? Thank you.

only if your leveling from 70-80. if you want to use it for anything before, your gonna need to alter it so it doesnt cast spell you havnt learned yet.

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This might be a dumb quest, but im new to this, but does it only work with Sunfury heto talents?
Or can i use spellslinger, as that looks to be widely agreed to be better?


the sequence is set to Sunfury only spells, you would need to go into it and change spells to match spellslinger spells.

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!