The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
Testing this out later on my 621 DH - will return with the results.
Edit: I did Nexus-Princess Ky’veza and Silken Court on heroic using this macro here is the results
I need help. It seems that the sequence works once, however, then it does not reset. Then I need to wait about 30s for her to come back or the character won’t attack.
Is this manually using the sequence?
@DemonR How does this compare to you normally?
Elfyau, is there anyway to have the leap and the metamorphosis on cursor put in for the beginning burst? I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to have those skills auto fire off in the sequence.
You could kind of do it - what leap though?
[ Vengeful Retreat] and Fel rush into
I’m using a macro on the mouse with 100ms autoclick. It works great, but it’s only done once… How I did it: I imported the talent and script from gse. I set mouse button 4 to run gse. Now, I hold down button 4 and the magic starts happening.
Hmm, Maybe try it at 250ms that is what I made it at. Let me know how it goes
It compares fine, im still trying to get the exact numbers, but currently it looks like its roughly 85% of my sim numbers. I will return when i have something more concrete. I will also do some target dummy testing later today.
is there a way to have the opening sequence changed to how Wowhead recommends? looking to optimize it as much as possible just dont know how to build it in. Using macros and the action keys
You would need a separate macro to use for that then switch
Alright, i’ve done a few AoE runs on target dummies (sorry for the delay).
These two images are consistant in almost every 3 min run i do. What i’m noticing is that the uptime of Burning Blades is 99.4% which is really good for a macro, lets be honest, i’ve tried others where its all the way below 90. Essemce break is being used on CD every 40sec which is also something i’ve noticed on other macros not to be the case. I manually fire the Mad Queen’s mandate trinket, which in a fight of 3 minutes will happen twice.
My simcraft on AoE is 1.8mil in a 3 min fight, and this macro providing 1.3mil roughly. Overall fairly happy with the macro and the results. This goes for single target as well i might add, just havent taken any screenshots.
Though it feels that it under performs compared to some other builds. Do you see anyplace that it can be modified to pump a bit more? Either opener or the timing? Sorry I don’t know much about GSE to hone in where it can be optimized.
When looking at your chart compared to what mine is doing immolation aura is popping off and outperforming on dps…. Not sure why this is happening. Any idea. Swapped between MS from 250 to 100 with similar results that immolation aura is the dps on top. Maybe I need to reload the sequence.
The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
new update not working for me , nothing happens
Did it import all of the needed macros? Check your character specific macros and check that they are there and that it is not full
only the macro triggers after it only auto attack
only have your 3 macro
How are you binding it? have you made sure to import the talents?