Elfyau's TWW v0.3 Retribution Paladin **Updated 12-Feb-25**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Paladin sequences, they are available at both Curseforge and Wago. Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’

I’m excited to introduce version 0.3 of my macro, tailored specifically for Retribution Paladins! This update improves rotation flow, cooldown usage, and overall performance, allowing you to channel the Light with precision and power.

Thanks to your invaluable feedback, I’ve made adjustments that enhance the macro’s efficiency, making it smoother and more intuitive to use in any encounter.

I’d love to hear how this latest version works for you. Let’s continue refining it together to ensure it’s as radiant and effective as possible. :crossed_swords: Together, we’ll champion the Light and unleash the true potential of Retribution Paladins!



Elfyau’s TWW v0.3 Retribution Paladin


This package consists of 2 elements.


  • EA_RP_MT_v0.3
  • EA_RP_ST_v0.3

TALENTS:- No changes.
SEQUENCE:- Minor sequence changes.
MACROS:- No changes.

Your feedback is the secret ingredient that transforms great macros into legendary ones! Every click, comment, and suggestion is a building block for future awesomeness.

Let’s work together to create macros that elevate your gameplay to the next level. Help me make them smoother, stronger, and faster! Let’s unlock the full potential of your character together!

P.S. You can find me on Patreon and other social links at: https://bio.link/elfyau

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Jfyi the recently loaded sequences on Curseforge will not load. Same errors as before. Also the instructions on how to load them reflect creation of an icon so are incorrect.

The one on this page does work however.

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I haven’t actually imported your talent build, but if the pic of it is accurate, you are using a sub-par build as on wowhead it is stated that Radiant Glory is currently bugged in that it is not currently applying Crusade after Wake of Ashes consistently. It’s recommended to not use Radiant Glory until it is fixed. Edit: this is not a snub of you or your work, just a quick bit of constructive feedback. TBH I have enjoyed using your sequences for the…last 3 expansions I think…at least since early BfA…can’t recall what I used prior to that. Edit 2: According to wowhead, 11.0.2 update will go live on Aug. 13th, which will supposedly fix the Radiant Glory bug.

Talents are out of date.

Elfyau, I don’t usually leave comments, but this build is insane. I am running through dungeons and delves ridiculously fast. The damage output is off the charts. Great job. Let me know how I can support you.

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Thank you - I am super glad the macro is working well for you (and hopefully others) I hope I can keep improving it. All my outside links can be found via https://bio.link/elfyau it contains socials, don’t, patreon and all the rest. Feel free to poke around.

Will do! Thanks again.

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hello I am trying to use the macros but i am a noob. I downloaded them to my wow game but i cant find the icon to drag to use it. If you can please help me by explaining on how to get the icon with the macro.

Hi, watch this video it will get you up and on your way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2Bmyhs20g&t=3s

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Hi there! I am just returning after a long break and hoping this is up to date? I am just loking to see what toon I want to play, and debating on Ret Pali. If this is not up to date. What characters do you currently have optimized for TWW? HAPPY TO SEE YOU ARE STILL HERE! Really enjoyed your macros when I started using GSE. Thank you for your hard work. Hope to hear back soon

I made the v0.1 macros during pre-patch so they may or may not work properly with the Hero talents. V0.2 is the start of maximised macros at max level (including hero talents)


Is V0.2 live yet on the GSE plugin?

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not yet it will be live the same time as it is here


hiho elfy… data mining for ya incoming. did a hc run just to see if wowanalycer is up and going on retri’s, it not, but anyway… ( BTW… 70-% waste of holypower)
Report: test retri pala elfy | Warcraft Logs
test retri pala elfy (wowanalyzer.com)

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Awesome! Look forward to it :smile:

Hey Elfy are any of your toons up to date here that I can use from 70 in the TWW? I have a full account from back in the day and just looking for a good starter toon here. Really need this ,macro to work for any toon. Hands are very bad these macros have been a life saver. If anyone else is reading please direct me to a good starter macro if elfy dont respond. Waiting to play. Also looking for a strong pve dps reccomendation ,. Thank you in advance

if a macro says that it is v0.2 it is from level 80 (I think atm this is only the Windwalker Monk) if it is v0.1 then it is from level 70

Thank you for the explanation. this will help! :slight_smile:

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I have tried a number of different Macros, but gotta say yours are the best :smiley:

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Hello Elfyau,
I have a question. What does EA_RP_ST and EA_RP_MT mean? Which should I use in battle?
Thanks to you!