Not sure if anyone has noticed, but at least for me, most of the other macro’s will have Demon Spikes active at the same time at the beginning of the rotation and then use Demon Spikes once off CD. Not sure if other’s have the same experience… EA’s is the only one that actually uses Demon Spikes well for me. Great job!!
tried your veng macro now Elfy and got this GSE string output:
142x GSE_Utils/Events.lua:14: bad argument #1 to 'FindSpellBookSlotForSpell' (Usage: local spellBookItemSlotIndex, spellBookItemSpellBank = C_SpellBook.FindSpellBookSlotForSpell(spellIdentifier [, includeHidden, includeFlyouts, includeFutureSpells, includeOffSpec]))
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua"]:674: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua:673>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua"]:812: in function `CallMethod'
[string " local mods = "RALT=" .. tostring(IsRightAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"LALT=".. tostring(IsLeftAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"AALT=" .. tostring(IsAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"RCTRL=" .. tostring(IsRightControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"LCTRL=" .. tostring(IsLeftControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"ACTRL=" .. tostring(IsControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"RSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsRightShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"LSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsLeftShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"ASHIFT=" .. tostring(IsShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"AMOD=" .. tostring(IsModifierKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
"MOUSEBUTTON=" .. GetMouseButtonClicked()
self:SetAttribute('localmods', mods)
local step = self:GetAttribute('step')
step = tonumber(step)
if self:GetAttribute('stepped') then
self:SetAttribute('stepped', false)
for k,v in pairs(spelllist[step]) do
if k == "macrotext" then
self:SetAttribute("macro", nil )
self:SetAttribute("unit", nil )
elseif k == "macro" then
self:SetAttribute("macrotext", nil )
self:SetAttribute("unit", nil )
elseif k == "Icon" then
-- skip
self:SetAttribute(k, v )
step = step % #spelllist + 1
self:SetAttribute('stepped', true)
self:SetAttribute('step', step)
"]:34: in function <[string " local mods = "RALT=" .. tostring(IsRigh..."]:1>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua"]:483: in function <...aceBlizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua:446>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua"]:285: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:279>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
That is an error thrown by GSE itself - I am not familiar with that nor do I get that error. Best bet is to ask Timothy.
So in the description it says to use shift for the Infernal strike. But i can’t seem to get this to work, rest works perfectly.
EDIT: Nevermind, i’m dumb.
I do have an another question, it doesnt seem to use the sigils?
Sigils are working for me (at least the ones I have included) Have you set the talents to the same as mine? What MS are you running it at?
As a DH main(for now til they butcher it again) and a long time user of your macros, I have tried and modified quite a few DH macros this expansion and something always felt “off”. Off being either fury capped, abilities not firing, DPS being low but I am happy to say that this macro took care of that right out of the box. This could easily be some of your best work ever, well done my friend and thank you
Hey there @Elfyau ! First of all I want to say that I’ve used your macros in Shadowlands and they were terrific!
I had a question about this Macro, I remove Felblade because I don’t use that talent but for some reason when I run the macro, it pauses sometimes in the middle of the rotation. I am not sure why, perhaps it’s waiting for something, but I tried removing reset=combat and reset=target and [nochanneling] and all sorts of things, but I am unable to run this fully and have it automated completely without it “breaking” after its done its initial rotation.
There is a lot of potential with this!! Off the opener I was doing the most AOE damage I’ve ever seen on the dummies.
@Alderion_1324 Thank you!! I hope they continue to serve you well and improve!
@Weird_Alien I do not see why this would be happening. You have 2 options - 1st) Put Felblade back in. - Or 2nd) Try moving the VDHS3 block up or down within the loop. Save and Test - repeat until you are happy with it.
It works only with eng client? because of the macros is it possible to putte the macros ins gse?
Sadly I had to stop using this macro because like mentioned above i too get the auto attack but I have not altered anything. Its completely random and addition to the AA animation sometimes it will pause then resume.
I loaded this up to test it and it just says “Spell Not Learned” and kinda doesn’t work.
Edit: Aha this is a bug in the game itself…it comes from respeccing and having had “Precise Sigils” or having it in your other spec. Have to relog to fix it.
Edit 2: Also running into the same bug everyone else is where it just stops working.
Currently not firing off for me. I have the troubleshooting button down box clicked off.
Maybe go into GSe/Options/troubleshooting and try clearing common Keybinds
@Soltheron I am unable to recreate this problem, As for the spell not learned error have you imported the talent string that comes with the sequence? Also make sure you don’t have any gear in your bags from previous expansions.
The dps is pretty low using this. I’m at 620 item lvl and its half the dps of what I normally do. Not sure why at this point. Also, this will be hard to use in a raid environment when you need Fel Dev or firey brand for example to counter a tank buster. It seems to be pretty hard to make this type of program for this specific spec since so much of it is reactionary and off abilities are also def. I could see it working in solo content.
its broke for me, he melee’s only
What do you mean by broke?
need more info than “It’s Broke”. like saying to a doctor “it hurts”
i figured it out, had to disable libactionbutton, my next task is to figure out how to get AFW to work =) awesome work. I hated playing rogue til i used your assassin build, he’s fun AF to play.
but it really does hurt…=P
disabled libaction button, works great now