Thanks guys for providing some macros, I took ideas from here and there to put this one together. I hope you guys enjoy it. If you can make it any better please post your version to let us know.
This is an Extended Macro ← Click for more info
I included a modifier to refresh the totems.
Repeated spells are intentional.
Rotation WITHOUT Lightning Bolt spell (optimal rotation):
/castsequence [mod] Searing Totem;reset=combat Searing Totem,null
/castsequence reset=target Flame Shock,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Feral Spirit
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Lava Lash
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Stormstrike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Unleash Elements
/castsequence reset=5/target Flame Shock,Earth Shock,Earth Shock,Unleash Elements
/cast [combat] Shamanistic Rage
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/cast [combat] Ancestral Guidance
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
If you have chosen different talents other than Ancestral Guidance, replace it with the talent that you have chosen.
Lightning Bolt Optional Macro:
/cast Lightning Bolt
Rotation WITH Lightning Bolt Spell:
The following macro makes an attempt to auto cast Lightning Bolt at different times, but it might not be the best optimal choices. For a better control on this spell I suggest to use the macros above and use the single spell manually.
/castsequence [mod] Searing Totem;reset=combat Searing Totem,null
/castsequence reset=target Flame Shock,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Feral Spirit
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Lava Lash
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Stormstrike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Unleash Elements
/castsequence reset=5/target Flame Shock,Lightning Bolt,Earth Shock,Earth Shock,Lightning Bolt,Unleash Elements
/cast [combat] Shamanistic Rage
/cast [combat] Ascendance
/cast [combat] Ancestral Guidance
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14