Enhancement WAR WITHIN 11.0

I’ll try it out in M+, still be cruising along with yours

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Stormstrike isnt in the gse sequence ?

It is, but also in a separate key with a few others things.

Mash them together.


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congratulations for the job bro, this enanchement is inmortal xd

where the actual strings for the updates you did?

Where? in OP .


what is OP? sorry didn’t get it :frowning:

Op is Original Post.

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UPDATE 25/10/24 for latest War Within Retail 11.0.5 (57212 )

                               ...::: CHANGES :::...
  • Updated Shaman Enhancement talents & sequences of macros.

Weird, it says the loadout you are trying to import is out of date for the updated talents.

What, impossible.

I just did the update :S , try to reload the game login / logout.


Oh, lol. For sure. Thank you!

It worked perfect for me. Thank you very much!

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Got the new loadout but noticed something odd. You have Frost Shock build into the sequence, but not in the talent loadout. Everything else is working amazing. Thank you!

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Yep, thats because maelstrom generation is better ( at least on my side ).


just logged in and tried to import this as well with the same out of date error. Did a reload plus log in and out still same error

I got the new talent code from within the sequence in gse. The little tab that says talents

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Yeah, I get that, but you have the talent Hailstorm selected, which increases the damage of frost shock. Why have that but not have Frost Shock? Just wondering if I am missing something. Also, while the sequence works for the most part, it likes to cast lightning bolt a lot, and rarely casts stormstrike. Dunno, probably me.

what are the numbers that we are looking at DPS in relation to the gear score?

Hello! can you update the talents? Or are the talents in the picture still good enough, it will not let me import! Just want to make sure everything is still OK