Feral (Cat) – 5.1

Looking at the main AGAIN /castsequence reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake,Mangle,Faerie Fire

There is no chance to get an empowered Rip. The way I am thinking is, empowered Rip and Rake is where we get 80% of our damage. Tell me I am wrong - okay it may not be 80% but it’s a lot. I know for a fact a non empowered Shred does 80-90k damage whereas an empowered Shred does 120k-130k damage for me. but keep in mind a cats dots are most of out damage because they constantly tick.

The upshot of this is we need to make Rake, Rip and Thrash all empowered - now this is easy to do, I just don’t have the time right now. Dream of Cenarius has a 100% proc chance from 5 combo points and grants the next 2 melee abilities 25% extra damage. So even with a 4 combo point builder we get a good chance at 5 points.

It sounds easy but it’s not - you would have to build 5 points then do rip (empowered) OMG how can I do that when my finisher is the empower and I need it to empower my next finisher that is next in sequence??? Rake and Trash is a no brainer.

The only answer I can come up with is Savage Roar before Rip. The thing is if you get an empowered Savage Roar, the empowered bonus only lasts a few seconds so it will not hold till the Rip (5 combo points later) unless you get extremely lucky with Omen of Clarity.

So here is my solution - a 3 point (could be 4,5 depending on chance) Rip making the previous (have to guarantee this) 5 point Savage Roar empowered last long enough till Rip - now you can use the empowered Rip. I know Predatory Swiftness lasts only 10 secs but the next 2 abilities are used up even though they last 30 secs.

Thinking caps on guys. This will be a huge dps boost.


hi everyone, been looking on the web for a macro that does a few things in one its not a dps macro more like a space saver but not really sure where to put it so i put it here if anyone can use it,

/cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:2, nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [nostealth, combat] Mangle (Cat)(); [stealth] Pounce

What it does is put you in cat form when you are not. In cat form and not in combat you will prowl if not on cool down. combat use mangle, and if in stealth use pounce.

Just make sure you have it on a action bar that dont swap or have it on the same slot for each bar.


Hello Deathcount, are the extra “()” beside the “Mangle (Cat)” intended?

No it was just something i forgot to take out when i was working on it.

The only way I can see of doing a 25% extra damage Rip is to cast Healing Touch in caster form before your Rip - doing this still activates Predatory Instincts. Just wondering if it can be macroed to go back to cat form after the Healing Touch is done??

/castsequence reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake,Mangle,Faerie Fire,Healing Touch

This would make Mangle and Rip empowered by 25% and also empower the following Rake and Thrash. Just need a command to go back to cat form if not in cat form.

I toke your macro michaeljackson and did some tweaking to it. I have it placed on action bare one on both my no shift form and in cat form so that when I come out of cat form to cast Healing Touch I just keep spamming one and go right back into cat form when casting is done. I removed the Thrash from my rotation cause I do a loot of soloing and it’s not always a good thing to hit wandering mobs that are near my target. I can see using it in Dungeons or Raids. Maybe have 2 sets one for soloing and one for Raid/Dungeon.

This one is for when you are facing the target:

/castsequence reset=target [nostance:3] Cat Form; [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; [nochanneling] Mangle,Rip,Rake,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake,Mangle,Healing Touch
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null
/click sdf_CD’s

The click sdf_CD’s is my floating macro for all my cool downs.

This is the cool down macro:

/cast [combat] Tiger’s Fury
/cast [combat] Berserk
/cast [combat] Lifeblood
/cast [combat] Barkskin
/cast [combat] Nature’s Grasp
/cast [combat] Nature’s Vigil
/cast [combat] Berserking
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

This one is for when you are behind the target:

/castsequence reset=target [nostance:3] Cat Form; [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl; [stealth] Pounce: [nochanneling] Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred,Savage Roar,Shred,Rake,Shred,Healing Touch
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null
/click sdf_CD’s

If anyone wants here is a few other macros I use


/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [flyable] Swift Flight Form; [outdoors] Travel Form

Help Ursoc:

#showtooltip Might of Ursoc
/cast Enrage
/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Barkskin
/cast Frenzied Regeneration


/assist [@focus,exists]
/castsequence reset=target/combat Swipe,Rake,Rip,Swipe,Savage Roar,Thrash,Rake,Swipe
/click sdf_CD’s

If you need to go into bear form to fight:

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=3 Lacerate,Maul,Swipe,Thrash
/cast Mangle


#showtooltip Rebirth
/cast [@mouseover,help]Rebirth;Rebirth

Hope you all like.

Thanks Zugy [nostance:3] Cat Form; was what I was after.

Tested this with Healing Touch and it is a dps loss by about 10k I think because of the 2.5 second cast time. The other thing is eventually you run out of mana. But the stance will be very useful because sometimes when I hit a procced Healing Touch I may accidently hit it twice and go to caster form, this command will get me back to cat form with no delays.

I see no reason to put faerie fire in this:

/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null

Nor do I see any reason to omit “Track Humanoid” (useful for finding other stealthers). Both are instants with no gcd. My understanding of the macro mechanics is that if these fail to cast (because they are cooling down) then their failure does not in anyway adversely affect the casting of other spells in the macro:

So I would just include both in my cool down macro like this:

/use Faerie Fire

/use Track Humanoid

Note you can use “use” instead of “cast” and “form” instead of “stance” and save a couple of characters in your macros.

Also some of the macros include instants with no gcd in their /castsequence line.

My understanding of the mechanics is that other than timing, this provides no benefit. If you are not worried about the timing, then just put those instants with no gcd in a separate line in the macro. They will cast as soon as the macro button is pressed after their cool down ends.

A perfect example of an ability to pull out is the Faerie Fire. No reason to include that in the /castsequence line.

A good example of an instant with no gcd that you may want in the castsequence is the “Tiger’s Fury” if you are trying to combine it with “Shred.”

It is also very possible that I still don’t understand the macro mechanics, since only about 1/2 of mine work like I expect them to :slight_smile:

My cool down macro looks like:

/use Track Humanoids
/use Faerie Fire
/castsequence [combat]!Tiger’s Fury,Berserk
/use [combat]Barkskin
/use [combat]Lifeblood
/use [combat,mod]Potion of the Tol’Vir
/use [combat]Skull Bash
/castsequence [combat]Disorienting Roar,Nature’s Grasp
/gr [nocombat][noharm]Stealthers about!

I included the agility buff in there and only need to hit the shift or alt key to get that agility bonus. Since Disorienting Roar and Nature’s Grasp both have a gcd, I put them in a castsequence.
I am not sure about leaving the Skull Bash in there. I often forget to use it when I need it so by putting it in here I will get a lot more use out of it. However, it means it may not be available when I need it and think to use it. It has a 15 sec cool down but 15 sec is a long time when you are in combat!

OTOH, I expect to use this macro only when the Tiger’s Fury finishes its cool down. It’s an open question to me right now.

I’ve modified some of the macros I’ve found to be a little more dps friendly. At least with my current setup I pull more dps using these macros then some of the others I used as a base for my setup. I didn’t add the damage mitigation cooldowns, as I personally prefer to pop those when I need them.


Single Target Non-Directional:


#showtooltip 16

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Tiger’s Fury

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Berserk

/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar, Faerie Fire, Rake, Thrash, Mangle, Mangle, Mangle, Rip, Savage Roar, Rake, Thrash, Mangle, Mangle, Ferocious Bite



Single Target Cat’s Do It From Behind:


#showtooltip 16

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Tiger’s Fury

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Berserk

/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar, Faerie Fire, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Shred, Shred, Rip, Savage Roar, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite



My Easy Peasy AoE:


#showtooltip 16

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Tiger’s Fury

/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Berserk

/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar, Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Rip



Also, the only real issue I’m having with getting the most out of the macros is that when a mob dies and I have combo points the macro will savage roar again. Then the Savage Roar in my castsequence won’t take because one more powerful is already active.

Anyone know a way to conquer that?

Hi can any of you make a feral pvp macros ?