Feral Druid 5.2


The macro isn’t working properly. Probably an embedded space or some other issue. Install MacroToolkit and then look at the macro. It should point out the lines that are giving you problems.

You should be aware that you almost always need to retype the “’” (single quote) in abilities which have them.


I know that the TF & Berserk require them to fire in a specific order. Which is why in my cast sequence the TF fires before the Berserk. I figure that the 3 min Berserk cool down is long enough that you won’t need to worry about this very often. Unfortunately the time you do need to worry about it will likely be a PVP or other more intense battle :slight_smile:

I am using this macro and it is working pretty good, but I would like to add the use of a trinket “Flashing Steel Talisman” to the macro. It gives 4232 agility for 15 secs and has a 1.5 min cooldown. Being new to macros I dont understand the reset code as shown in the macro. Can anyone assist me? The trinket is slotted on my gear. Thank you

/castsequence [stealth]Pounce

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Cenarion Ward

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Tiger’s Fury

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Faerie Fire

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Barkskin

/castsequence reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake,Mangle

/cast [nocombat]Prowl

Hello Joe, just add a new line with the following at the bottom of the macro to activate your trinket automatically.

Upper Slot:

/use 13

Bottom Slot:

/use 14

Thanks Luis I gave it a try and while it triggered it didnt seem to do much to dps. Oh well.


Scott I got your message but couldnt figure out how to respond on my phone. That ma ros is one someone else posted earlier in the thread. the only suggestions I can make for it not firing is manually redo the apostrophies abd make sure Macro tool box is expanded to allow the larger macro. I would strongly suggest posting issues in the thread cause I dont know coding where these other guys do.


Thanks to everyone that has co ti uted to this thread.

Well just finished a raid with new trinket. While I didnt see much DPS increase on a test dummy, and just a little on mushan herds, DPS for the raid went up by almost 9k above (before trinket )raid DPS. Further research is needed to verify it wasnt a fluke.

Disclaimer: I use a keyboard capable of macro button pressing. It is not a bannable offense as it only does a single button press. This allows better ability triggering and also makes it easier to use the one button macros. If you don’t have one and wish to use these macros I highly recommend you purchase a macro capable keyboard or mouse.


I was able to overcome the lockup issue by not putting Savage Roar in the macro as a castsequence or triggered ability. I instead placed it in the macro as a modifier. As my keyboard presses my “1” key rapidly for me every 25ms all I have to do to activate Savage Roar is press my “alt” key while my macro is running. I do not do this when I have five combo points, as I have the glyph that allows me to use it with no combo points. I coupled this with the addon WeakAuras to provide a large notification when Savage Roar has worn off. A simple tap when Savage Roar wears off and it’s re-applied and my macro continues to run.


Single Target (Non-Directional):


#showtooltip 16
/cast [mod] Savage Roar
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Tiger’s Fury
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Barkskin
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Cenarion Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Survival Instincts
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire, Rake, Thrash, Mangle, Mangle, Mangle, Rip, Rake, Thrash, Mangle, Mangle, Ferocious Bite


Single Target (From Behind):


#showtooltip 16
/cast [mod] Savage Roar
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Tiger’s Fury
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Barkskin
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Cenarion Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Survival Instincts
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Shred, Shred, Rip, Rake, Thrash, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite




#showtooltip 16
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Tiger’s Fury
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Barkskin
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Cenarion Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Survival Instincts
/castsequence reset=target Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Rip







I am new to the form, I am trying to get these macros to work, I am running into a problem with a character cap of 255 on macro tab, and when I use some of the shorter ones, does not work I am copying and paste it just post in white like in the chat section.

[quote quote=6232]Hello I am new to the form, I am trying to get these macros to work, I am running into a problem with a character cap of 255 on macro tab, and when I use some of the shorter ones, does not work I am copying and paste it just post in white like in the chat section. [/quote]+you need Macro toolkit Addon Macro Toolkit , new SDM replacement and much more - User Interface Add-ons - WoW Lazy Macros

Hey livil,


I’m currently using a slightly modded version of your and MJ’s macro’s for Non-Directional, Behind and AoE.

Biggest issue is the fact you brought up that whatever I do, sometimes you can’t cast Savage Roar because it just took the 2-3 remaining combo points from a previous target.

I tried a lot of options, including /cancelaura Savage Roar but that would just cancel the new one as well.

I have no macro keyboard nor am I planning to buy one, is the modifier the only option to keep a clean Savage Roar?

Jigs /castsequence reset=target guarantees no matter how many times you swap targets it will start a fresh sequence. If you got reset=5 or any other number for you main castsequence, change it to target and problem solved.

I rarely have any lockup and if I do it is on Savage Roar so I have Mangle handy and hit that once then continue with my macro. Most times if i get a lockup I will hit either of my other 2 macros to get the ball rolling again. And normally the lockup is with my aoe macro so I added a Swipe before Savage Roar which has alleviated most of that problem.

something that I’ve noticed from watching some guides and saw mike preach’s videos on tank comparison. What I saw about guardian druids may also apply to feral druids as well when it comes to thrash vs swipe. blizzard hotfixed them both to be of equal value but once you hit 90 and get better gear, thrash will start to out damage swipe. Now like I said it might not also pertain to ferals, but, it might be something to consider as well if anybody would like to test it. My druid is only 86 and have been on the bench since 5.2 because I haven’t been happy with its mechanics lately

I’m putting together a simple pvp macro just to be able to do something else for a change while levelling. This is the macro I’m using in combination with Incarnation: King of the Jungle. When Incarnation is on cooldown I replace Ravage with Mangle.

#showtooltip Ravage
/cast [stealth] Pounce
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Cenarion Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Tiger's Fury
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Incarnation
/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar ,Rake,Thrash,Ravage,Ravage,Ravage, Maim
/castsequence [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl

The problem with this macro is that it hangs up at Ravage, it won’t Maim.
I even tried replacing Maim with Rip/Ferocious Bite and even that won’t work.

Is there a specific rule set for Ravage, or something that I’m missing? Thanks in advance

Strange question with these macros, but do I spam these hard or do I wait until I have enough energy for each one?

I thought I would share the Guardian macro I am curretly using for PvP, but also effective in a PvE environment. it isn’t the old priority style, or the newer ‘/castsequence reset=0.3 3.0…’ etc, but for me the following macro doesn’t hng or lock up, and survivability is good


/castsequence [mod]Frenzied Regeneration;reset=target Thrash,Lacerate,Mangle,Swipe,Lacerate,Swipe
/cast !Barkskin
/cast !Savage Defense
/cast !Enrage
/cast !Survival Instincts
/cast !Nature's Vigil
/cast !Wild Charge
/cast !Lifeblood(Rank 9)
/cast !Cenarion Ward


I picked up the talent ‘Soul of he Forest’ otherwise the above macro would leave you rage starved. as always, any uggestions for improvement on this macro are most welcome :slight_smile:

#showtooltip 16
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [mod:shift]Shred
/use [stealth]Pounce
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Cenarion Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Faerie Fire
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,0,Barkskin
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Tiger's Fury
/castsequence [nostealth]reset=5/target Mangle,Rake,Rip,Savage Roar,Thrash,Mangle
/cast [combat]Berserk
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14
/use [nocombat,nostealth]Prowl
/use Wild Charge

This macro seems to be doing OK but there is only 1 thing that i would change if i knew how to :stuck_out_tongue: Tigers’s Fury is used too early in this macro. It should be used right before the rip cause it restores 60 energy. If popped to soon that 60 energy goeas to waste… I tried to put it in /castsequence right before the rip, but then the macro is only spammable if TF is off cooldown… Is there a way to Tiger’s Fury right before the Rip? The whole rotation is faster that way as you dont have to wait for your energy after the rip.
Sry bout my English and Ty for any advice… .
