Elfyau's 8.3 Feral Macro **Updated 14-Aug-20**

Nice!! let me know how you go!!

For me the script is running but it is constantly doing what the other guys said and complaining about being shapeshift form. Ive tried to follow some of the steps and unbinding the keys but then it does nothing?

Try this one lslangley78 :

First off this is the best macro iā€™ve ever used on any character. After getting the AOE working I canā€™t stop using it. But could you add azirite trait to both please :slight_smile:

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is there anyway I could put brutal slash in instead of primal wrath for ST?

billy-aucote Brutal slash behaves very funnily if GSE and macrosā€¦ the only way I could get this to work is by putting this into the pre macro section:
/cast [nochanneling] Brutal Slash
if you do that you will no longer need to hold SHIFT for AOE

justin-faulk I have thought about doing this but there are to many essenceā€™s and combinations for me to put them in. If you have one you like to use let me know and I will let you know what and where to place it :slight_smile:

P.S. Donā€™t forget to follow me on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/elfyau All the toons you see use GSE!!!

hi mate, is there anyway you can seperate the aoe macro for me ? for some reason i cant get anything with modifiers to work :stuck_out_tongue: i dont have anything bind to shift and the action button i use which is numpad 1 and it still wont cast any modifiers :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw this in another macro /use Heart Essence guess it uses whatever essence you have selected in your heart.

also noticing, my druid is only 111 atm :slight_smile: but it seems to be getting 2combo points then bashing ferocious bite then doing it again, i havent seen it hit 5 combo points once yet , also the macro seems to have rip on rotation, ideally it should only need to be cast once on target then ferocious bit will keep it going , not sure how that could be changed, either way its still a solid macro, dont get me wrong this is just feedback :slight_smile: not complaining :slight_smile:

This can be true but the problem is that some can be cast @player or @target which is a choice thing so i prefer to leave it to peoples own discretion.

P.S. Donā€™t forget to follow me on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/elfyau All the toons you see use GSE!!!

Once you get to max level and get some Azerite gear you will notice a huge change. And have you checked in the keybind options under extra (or special) action bars to check that the shift function isnā€™t attached to them?

P.S. Donā€™t forget to follow me on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/elfyau All the toons you see use GSE!!!

speak my dear Elfyau; Your macro is very good, but as I do not have the mouse with the extra buttons and I use the keyboard I made a small modification.
I took the shift function which gave me an increase from 8k to 16k on my damage per second.
Thank you so much for making my druid come back to deal damage.

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Great to hear itā€™s helping you get back there!!

P.S. Donā€™t forget to follow me on twitch: Twitch All the toons you see use GSE!!!

It doesnā€™t seem like it ever does a 5 combo point rip or ferocious bite by design. Its so much DPS donā€™t need a a 5 point combo?

The macro by design should be using the proc from the combo as soon as it is available. Is this not happening?

No itā€™s not, im only doing 12k dps

what item lvl are you?

416, i should be doing more than 12k

Sorry for asking so many questions I am just trying to get as much info as possible before I go and make major changes. is that figure on a target dummy? if so which one? is it AOE or ST?

raid dummy in zandular, and ST. not sure what iā€™m doing wrong, but its even in raids and dungeons