Fury Macro 10.2.5 Raid/ST (28.01.24) / M+/AoE (28.01.2024)

thank you for your data :slight_smile:

im thinking about putting Odyns Fury in the Rotation and a Ramapge,Bloodthirst (Bloodbath) trigger as Mod for better Rage control, what do you think about that?

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Perhaps but that would need some target dummy testing for sure. the ramp / blood idea is actually co0l why not test it? But keeping the cd’s on mods are actually the best thing and makes the macro smooth and feels rewarding to manage it in diffrent situations.

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New Sims with the New Raid/St Macro Tab 3


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The ST macro Doesen’t work atm can’t for the life of me figure it out.

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If u dont play an Orc. delete /cast Blood Fury in the Variables Key Press section and try again. I re-imported it and it works perfect.

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I do and every time i reimport it cast blood fury and notting else, could you be a star and post the old one so i can do some testing. If you don’t mind?

i dont have it anymore :frowning: there was a macro accident and i lost it.

Doesn’t it really cast any other spell or is it just the Symbol in on the macro in the taskbar that isnt change? because thats normal, its alwasy on blood fury for me too.

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It just halt’s and casts notting else i tried to clear spell cach and the “other” things but it just doesent update or cast anything else ;/ please send help ;D <3

i can try live support on Discord if u want ? :smiley:

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haha sure thing buddy ill dm u ;D

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no need to look. The 3th version has a couple of errors. There is a castsequence in there with only 1 spell. that doest work,
There are also a lot of castsequences there with a , directly after and behind the spells with not a new spell behind it, so that’s why the macro breaks.

*removed the fix. OP needs to fix the macro.
I’ve provided some screenshots of there in the version 3 the errors are:

There is a , after the last bloodthirsty.
same as block path 2.1, 2.2,
block path 2.3 has a , right after the ]. that also breaks the macro.
a castsequence with 1 spell doesn’t work, so that needs to be a cast instead of a castsequence.

again, a , at the end so macro thinks there should be 1 more spell but there isn’t.
same here, castsequence with 1 spell

and here as well

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Here is something we dont see everyday after a good 2 h talk actually helping to optimize the macro to work perfect, i just wanted to say thanks to Vleudex And express my gratitude not only for helping me but to provide support / help and being such a nice guy to use that have no other means to play the game / disabled / Lose of mobility. You truly are a great addition to the human race 
 Thanks again // c4

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Care to share what it was that got it fixed ? all I did now was correct the version 3 and modified it to work again with all the cooldowns included.


Thank you for your comment :slight_smile:

The things you mentioned didn’t break the macro, it just make it a bit clunky and slow.

I fixed all the things :slight_smile:

The problem that got fixed was an Error with GSE, without any reason it wants to cast Spear of Bastion even it wasn’t skilled in Talent tree.

Update: Fixed Clunky Blocks should work smoother now.


Amazing! Gonna test it out right away !

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If OP is ok with me posting updates ill post the mod he mad for me, if you wanna test it out @Jasper

the personal update he mentioned is:


/castsequence [mod:shift] Odyn’S Fury

in the M+ or both Macros

in the variables “KeyPress” section


/click [mod:shift] ODYNS


import this macro and add it to your bars.

It shoots Odyn’s Fury and Whirlwind, for more improved whirlwind controll.


Usage Information

Odyns Fury Macro

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.52.

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