MACRO UPDATED 24 sep 2016
- added Furious Slash in rotation
Im too old and lazy for too many buttons. All i need is one button:
this is universal macro for single target or aoe, also for spell interrupt or saves/osh1t button.
- this macro use almost “icy-veins” talents build.
- shift/ctrl/alt + macro => AOE damage
- shift/ctrl/alt + macro => commanding shoud + enreged regen => -30% incoming damage and next 1-2 Bloodthirst heals me for 400khp
- shift/ctrl/alt + macro => interrupt target spellcast
- this macro use artifact spell
i got 130kdp on garrison dummy with 802 ilvl
Sequences['SSR_fury!'] = {
helpTxt = "Talents: 2,3,1/3,1/3,3,3,3 : ctrl/shift/alt for aoe+save+spell interrupt",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/cast [talent:3/3] Avatar,
"/cast [nomod] Execute",
"/cast Rampage",
"/cast [nomod] Raging Blow; [mod] Whirlwind",
"/cast Bloodthirst",
"/castsequence reset=25 Dragon Roar, Odyn's Fury, Furious Slash",
/use [combat]11
/use [combat]12
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast [mod, exists, nodead, nohelp] Pummel
/cast [mod, combat] Commanding Shout
/cast [mod, combat] Enraged Regeneration