Fury PvP -- Loads of Violence v. 1.9 (UPDATED 01/29/23)

told you it was a stupid question lol

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Love the macro, but for some reason the mod:shift will not activate Reck, Avatar, Thunderous Roar, Odyn’s Fury. I have the exact spec you posted. Not sure why this is. My other macro’s with shift modifiers work fine. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks

Found this:

Hi all,

At some point today I went and updated Elvui and whatever else was in the queue on CurseForge (sorry, I didn’t pay attention which ones), but after that my shift modifier stopped working.

The only way I can get it to work now is Esc ==> Options ==> Action Bars then set the “Lock Action Bars” button to “None”

The default is Shift.

Surprise, surprise - if I change it to Alt for example, then my Alt-modifiers do not work.

Hope this helps someone.

Works now lol

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Lock Action Bar is usually the culprit. I had several weeks where I had to uncheck it and deselect Shift each time I reloaded or logged in.

A fellow citizen of Valcyn
RIP the glory days.

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Thank you for the reference! :smiley:

All of my characters are star wars lore items.

Any update ? great macro

I’ve been playing a lot of Arms and Prot, but will make some time to rework this for the new update this week.

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Updated. Let me know how it works for you!


works good for me thanks alot :smiley:

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Macro works amazingly. However, i got told a whisper that my character keeps giving an emote out during arena. However I don’t see it popping out of my chat. I was wondering if the macro can cause that? I personally don’t use emote while pvp I think its disrespectful.

I don’t believe I have anything that would cause that in my macro. :frowning:

Do you use “killshot”? I do, from time to time I send out emotes to others, find it funny tho as i usually go flagcarry tank rbg or warmode.

May I ask, whats the purpose of stance dancing in the macro? I dont think any of the skills require defensive stance correct?

If you’re about to get trained by the opposite team, you’re going to want to swap to D-Stance to help mitigate.