FURYWAVE 8.3 (updated)

@admiralsmurf Please test this macro for me!


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@zjmcoom-1716 Your macro is solid. The Shift Modifier on it is confusing me though. I like it very much however.

can u rename it so it does not override and rewrite against my current one?

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Change to: as modify

Talents 2123123

This macro contains 1 macro version. 该序列导出自GSE 2.5.4.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro:

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

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I installed Fury Wave 8.3. It is very choppy. Not bashing the macro I’m sure its on my end. I’m new to macro world so a couple quick questions. Do I need to turn down or up speed? How do I do that? Please don’t bash me I just have no idea what I’m doing. Thanks in advance.

Ill test it this weekend.

Probably speed it up. Do you use an autoclicker? I have another update I am working on that might come out.

I don’t use auto clicker. When I went into settings it didn’t have anything on ms speed. I put on 70 worked better just slow. Think I may try on 40. Thanks for reply

Thanks admiralsmurf! I really love the work you put into this. I have been using your macro but unfortunately its not performing enough dps according to sim…?

Thnx Admiral ur macro is amazing, i justw anted to as you which version or if you have a raid specific version? this one for mythic+ works like a charm but sometimes for raids my best dps output its around 40k, 471ilvl

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en francais ou anglais possible la modification ?

This is mainly for mythic plus, not enough raid time with this.

Ah ok i c m8, thanks ur macro for other stuff works amazing.

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When i sim my warrior in raidbot it does 42k dmg but on the target dummy i can’t get higher then 34k. The sim also does alot more Rampage hits then the macro. also in M+ dungeons i get out performed by ppl with 450 ilvl while have 465. Is this because of the ms i have my mouse set to or is it simply not possible to perform as good as ppl that play without a macro? Im pretty new to this and this puzzles me alot haha. tnx.

Sorry, I’m new but can someone please explain to me what Heart Essence is? I 'm not sure if I should be using option 3 or 4 as a result. Thanks!

Melee positioning is very important for warriors. Are you consistently at the back side of the mob and focusing on hitting your mods? The point of the mods is to be used but in a situational method to save GCDs.

Mostly up to you. Some people like it in the macro some people do not. Heart Essence is the currently selected major ability on your neck.

chinese language? can you translate to eng pls?

I dont understand, how to use definite version of macros? I import it make an icon and it doesnt work at all :frowning:

@admiralsmurf – thanks so much for your work on this. I’m super new to this and was wondering what version 3 might look like if you removed the on mod limitation on siegebreaker and dragon roar?

Oh. Duh. That’s the 2 version right?