Date is not important just look for 13a oder 13b
So dang good to see you back in here GP with your awesome macros
Thank you my friend, good to see you too
Hello, Can anyone tell me what is the best MS I can put in?
Try test it from 250ms down to 50ms. Find your sweet Ms
Love this but I added
/cast [nopet,nodead,group] Call Pet 1; [@pet,combat,dead] Revive Pet
/cast [nopet,nodead,nogroup] Call Pet 2; [@pet,combat,dead] Revive Pet
I was trying to call a bear when not in groups and my wolf in groups to not pull aggro but it isn’t working. It just calls the wolf no matter what. I probably didn’t do it right since I only know a little about GSE and the commands.
Can anyone help me get it to work?