Hi Gaupanda, I have a question, can I have the code that I can change the macro, I want to take out the bone storm and abomination limp and press it myself when I need it and then reassign alt and shift, alt antimagic shell and shift antimagic field?
Update in original post 9/3/2024. Catch me on Twitch Live for all Q&A
Update in original post 9/3/2024. Catch me on Twitch Live for all Q&A
Update in original post 9/3/2024. Catch me on Twitch Live for all Q&A
How are Alt, Shift, and Ctrl used? I don’t understand; could you explain it?
Every Spell that list under Modifier meaning they only trigger when you Hold down Alt, shift, or Crtl.
Which hero talent is people running with this one ?
what am I doing wrong? keybinding for key 2. pressing 2 works the macro. D&D rarely casts. modifier keys rarely work, like in 1/100 press. normal tank dummy kills me easliy? vampiric blood doesn’t work. it already use Death Strike without using modifier. modifier doesn’t work at all?
I dont know how im missing it but I dont see the actual Macro to use. I see the talent codes for raid and mythic and the GSE string but no actual macro. ???
It’s under the import string words.
I guess Im dumb… I dont see it either. I dont even see the import string, but rather a link to auto copy it.
thats what your looking for.
maybe just copy the macro into a reply, since some of us dont see it?
I think theres a miscommunication issue here… when I say I cant find the macro, I mean the macro you literally paste into /macro and then place said macro onto your hot keys, rather than keybinding the macro using gse.
Oh there no more doing that. Blizzard new rule.
Thank you. Im just coming back to the game and when I left, early DF, it was the older version, so Im trying to figure the new one out.
For others trying to figure out the learning curve here, this video from Oak helps you be able to set a keybind and still use hotkeys for other things, like flight controls
yes! this works rly rly great and does alot of dmg =) i love it thank u
for some reason it dosent work when i keybind it to what i want to mash to do my rotation not sure why
figured out but itd be nice if trigger deathstrike more i testedon dummy took way more damage then i shouldhave might just be cause i dont optimized stats atm not sure
Death strike on modifier- use it whenever need extra DS to keep you alive.