Gaupanda- Godly The War Within Brew Master 11.0.5- Master of Harmony🐼

Alright i use AHK and ty for the wuick response

hi matey, the talents import code is showing out of date , any chance on a new import code please :slight_smile:

Use the one on

Now the question is… why would you play the game in any other language than English when you clearly can speak English?.. Not his fault that your choice made the macro unable to work.

i would like to subscribe and join discord but link: ( on twitch bio)
was expired do you mind DMing a new one?>

Add me on bnet, Gaupanda#11753. The administration of this platform doesn’t Like Creator link their Discord here.

hey Alt key and Shift key dont seem to be working for me on the brew master sequences

Sequence update in OP 11/10/2024. Have Fun!

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awesome work as always!

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for the sequences names, which is which? lol say i wanna timewalk dungeon spam, which 1 do i choose at lvl 70+? or does it matter?

Use version 2 for leveling, dungeons and open world

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Thanks for using my sequence and support


For some reason its almost never launch our keg smash when its one, if not our most important spell, its only coming from my side ? A little video who show how the maccro act like from your side would be an nice add up for the future. Thanks for the share btw

Start running macro af 160 ms and go down from there. Find your sweet ms.

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What does MS mean? and how does this work?

when you say V2 do you mean 2A(cause they both say 2)

2 and 2a- 2 for Mythic Plus and 2a for Raid I believe

Hello GauPanda by any chance do you know if its possible to add a “if” condition for launch certain spell, i was working on some build for the master of harmony hero talent and i would like to add something like Thunder tea is launched only if your stored vitality is fully stacked, Or for tank launching purifying brew only when stagger is in red. Do you think this type of thing is doable, or i just losing my time ?

You can do it with Variable options.

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Could you share a sequence for the thunder tea who is launch only when vitality is fully stacked please ? :pray: After searching for a moment for variable option i still dont get it how you do that