Thank you friend… :slight_smile:

Only level 64 but im destroying anything and everything.

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I have had great success with Gaus macros, his support and skill - I cannot recommend him enough!

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Question for the serious raiders

I use a Razor Naga, and I toggle my macros on and off that way, other than the obvious of removing Target enemy from the keypress is there another way you prefer to run your macro, so we don’t accidentally pull a mob?

Been maining BM for over a decade and have zero problems with auto-targeting.


I get the odd accidental pull, it’s a bit annoying. I will adjust my game play i guess

Or simply scroll up and have a read.

Go to Options in GSE- Character- check mark (Required Target to Attack) option.



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Thank you Billy and Have Fun and Enjoy.

Very nice Macro, thx for share

with your Macros makes the game more fun i love it

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Thank you Synetic :slight_smile:

Same for me. Absolutely no issues.

I just try to anticipate mobs dying, and stop the macro a second or two before then.


Is the first post of the macro the up to date level 70 macro or is it still the leveling macro?


This is a level 70 macro.

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Thanks for helping me answer


This is level 70 Macro as it is in the Title.

going to be giving this a shot with my BM. thanks for all the work. subscribed to your youtube channel also… :slight_smile:

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Thank you Wonka, glad to contribute to the Community.


Hey GauPanda, first of all, thanks for your massive efforts! I’ve used your macro for leveling and now I’m having a lot of fun with this one!
I’m using the 1st Talent Build Without Wailing Arrow, my ilvl is 349 and my overall damage is 25k! I’m doing great in AOE, but the single target macro, at least for me, hits like a wet noodle :frowning: is there anything you advise I can tweak on the macro or better on the talents to juice more single-target dps out? At best my ST is 20k…at best!

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  1. I would recommend you do a quick sim and Stats Weight
  2. It’s seems like either Detail Damage meter bugging or BM got nerfed (Aka I felt the same a bit)
  3. The Original Macro of ST is Intact and has No Update whatever so ever. On the other hand, the MT Macro still OUT performance really well.
  4. ST macro seems up and down for some reason, I still don’t know what happened that affecting it. But see #2, at least that’s what I thought the root causes.
  5. We’ll have to wait for the Data comes out tomorrow after Raid and Mythic+. But in the mean time, I’ll check it again and see if there are anything changes to the Rotations.

Best Regards,