Gnomesequencer, is there one for Survival?

Just wondering if there is one for Survival out there? Or if someone is working on one.

Hi Adrian

Mine is pretty similar format to my BM one, please see below for the macro.

Single Target Sequences['Surv1'] = { PreMacro = [[ /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /use [nopet,nomod]Call Pet 1 /startattack /petattack [@target,harm] /cast [combat]Rapid fire ]], '/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection', '/cast !Black Arrow', '/cast !Explosive SHot', '/cast Glaive Toss', '/cast Arcane Shot', '/cast Cobra Shot', PostMacro = [[ /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide(); /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 ]], }

Sequences[‘Survaoe’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [nopet,nomod]Call Pet 1
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [combat]Rapid fire
‘/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection’,
‘/cast Glaive Toss’,
‘/cast Multi-shot’,
‘/cast Cobra Shot’,
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Thanks! However, I copied and pasted it exactly and it doesn’t seem to work.

I figured it out. Something no one mentioned in the guides, you have to restart the game…

Or you can do “/reload” in-game.

I’ll post mine here for you as well to give you some variety. Note that unlike Lebbeus I use Survival mostly for PvP and I basically split my Macros for better functionality at the cost of having more buttons to press.

Sequences['SurvivalCD'] = {
'/cast [combat,nochanneling] Black Arrow',
'/cast [combat,nochanneling] Explosive Shot',
--'/cast [combat,nochanneling] A Murder of Crows',
'/cast [combat,nochanneling] Glaive Toss',
'/cast [combat,nochanneling] Explosive Shot',

Sequences['SurvivalAS'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
--/cast [@pet] Misdirection
'/cast Arcane shot',

Sequences['SurvivalCS'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
--/cast [@pet] Misdirection
'/cast Cobra Shot',

As you can probably tell, the only really “important” one is the Cooldowns one, and the other 2 could just be done with Ingame macros, but I’ve gotten that used to using GS for everything I just find it quicker to edit and fix there.

Cooldowns fires off your main CD’s (Black Arrow, Explosive Shot, GT, I have an extra Explosive Shot added in there after Glaive Toss incase of Lock and Load Procs, I currently have my Nostromo toggled to spam the key so in testing it just felt right to have it there), I currently run Blink Strikes as to have a more consistent damage output for PvP but AMoC can be subbed in, all you have to do is take out the 2 --'s infront of it. Same with Misdirection for your pet, you could also change @pet to @Focus but I tend to Manually Mis-direct in Raids as you’ll usually have a MT and an OT who’ll tank adds, and misdirect can seriously fuck with both sets of aggro if not using right while swapping.

Use what ever is more suited to you, Mine takes a little more controlling for a lot more functionality (and in retrospect less DPS loss)

You need to take off Single Target and AOE out of the Macro in order for it to work