GS-E Ret ST and AOE

Yo whats up guys ! So, I’ve been playing around and trying to make some good dps macro for my ret paladin. This is my first macro ever, so plz, don’t push me of a cliff here. Would be awesome if you gave som feed back on how it works for you or how to make it better!

local Sequences = GSMasterSequences

-- Paladin Ret --
Sequences['Ret'] = {
specID = 70,
author = "Johan",
helpTxt = "Retribution Single Target macro - 1111-21.",
icon = "INV_Sword_2H_AshbringerCorrupt",
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

	'/cast Judgment',
	'/cast Crusader Strike',
	'/cast Blade of Justice',
    '/cast !Avenging Wrath',
	"/cast Templar's Verdict",
	--'/cast !Shield of Vengeance',--
    PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Sequences['RetAOE'] = {
specID = 70,
author = "Johan",
helpTxt = "Retribution AOE Target macro - 1111-21.",
icon = "Ability_Paladin_DivineStorm",
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    '/cast Judgment',
    '/cast Crusader Strike',
	'/cast Divine Storm' ,
    '/cast Blade of Justice',
	'/cast Divine Storm' ,
    '/cast !Avenging Wrath',
    '/cast Divine Storm' ,
	--'/cast !Shield of Vengeance',--
    PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Making it a step sequence might work better, not sure though. I’ve not had much luck with GS:E on my pally, it always just locks up after a bit and i auto swing forever.

Note: GS:E works great on my hunter and warrior and DK… Not sure why I’m having issues on my pally. (Ret & prot)