You are a brilliant person, thank you, keep creating
Great work mate ! really nice one , but one issue i have is i wana make Frenzy to go off with Shift Mod , but no matter where i set the macro it either prevent thras to go off when im holding shift or mess up the rotation or doesnt cast it at all ! can u please make frenzy with shift mod and while pressing it it prevent Ironfur to be casted also to save all the rage for using frenzy only . or tell me where and what macro to put to make all that happen will help a lot <3
So for Guardian Druid Macros I use BOTH @Leavaris and @Xike-The-Angry-Bear to tank 15’s no problem. I use Xikes for the initial pull or for big aoe packs when I pop Incarn. (Currently using Ursocs Fury Leggo). I basically disabled blocks in Xikes macro so it only Trashes, Swipes and Ironfurs so I get the most threat on aoe packs. I noticed if i just ran the 1 macro with mangle and moonfire added, I would not be able to hold threat on multiple mobs.
Once I know I have enough threat or I am just fighting one mob like a boss, I then go to the main macro (Leavaris). Mangle is good because it gives you rage for more Ironfurs and Frenzied Regen, but the problem is in AOE packs, Mangle will hurt your overall threat especially if your dps is AOEING things down. Moonfire is an extra dps great for single target but the use of a global cooldown during AOE packs also hurt your threat.
For mod keys I use:
/cast [mod:alt] Frenzied Regeneration
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Ursol’s Vortex
I just have to watch if i have enough rage to cast frenzied regen. The good thing is Frenzied Regen cost only 10 rage where as Ironfur costs 40, so I will always have enough rage to cast Frenzied Regen over Ironfur.
The reason I am using 2 macros is I dont know how to create my own. So I have to edit one for AOE and big pulls with only swipe, thrash and IronFur, and use the other as it was intended.
Hi i have a question which ms click rate for gnome sequencer is the best i downloaded it today im a little bit lost xD
People are saying dont run it below 250ms or risk a ban, but to me 250ms is too slow. I’ve been running mines at 100 ms
kk but makros are legit why getting banned ? can u explain me what ms clickrate does like is it the delay befor it cast the next spell ? and u guys use external ms timings ?
To make GSE macros work you need to spam the button over and over again. Ms clickrate setting is done using software like from a mouse or external software. I use a Razer mouse and with the Razer Synapse software I can set my button 1 on my mouse to activate every 100ms. So its spamming the button automatically with 100ms in between each push. You can set this as fast or as slow as you want. The lower the ms rate the faster it will spam.
This takes out the manual presses you need to be doing so technically macros are legal, but using software to automatically push your buttons for you is sort of a grey area.
kk i understand its like an auto clicker i have a logitech mouse can i make it work with it ? and the in game ms clikcer settings when im pressing the button manually to i need to put in a delay ?
Yes I believe Logitech has their software that allows you to do that. You should match the gse auto clicker settings to your mouse settings.
so if i use my mouse i set 100 in gse and 100 in the software and if i dont use the software didt i need to set an amount of delay ? sry for the questions xD
If you dont use the software you wont be spamming the button. The software is what makes the mouse spam your button over and over.
alright thx for your help <3
is it possible that u share ur config with me i just juse levaris its nce but as u said in big groups i quickly lose aggro especially if there is an dd with higher gear score
Open the Xike Macro.
Disable the first block:
/cast Mangle
Disable the Last Block:
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Swipe, Mangle, Swipe, Moonfire, Mangle, Swipe, Swipe, Mangle, Swipe, Thrash, Mangle
Thats it. The macro should just Thrash , Ironfur and Swipe. Pure AOE.
hmm i dont find it this is my first block
/targetenemy [noharm]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Barkskin
/cast [mod:alt] Remove Corruption
/cast [noform:1] Bear Form
/castsequence [mod:shift] Frenzied Regeneration
/castsequence reset=combat Swipe, Mangle, Swipe, Moonfire, Mangle, Swipe
and this my last one
/cast Thrash
I cant find the macro at all Xike he most updated or removed any chance you can link ?
Its under the Angry Bear Thread
Bascially disable any block that has Mangle or Moonfire. If the Macro has Maul in it remove it too as Maul should NEVER be used automatically unless you’re doing super easy content that you dont need ironfur or Frenzied Regen.
Your AOE threat macro should be only Swipe, Thrash and IronFur.
can u post your tweaked macros so i can have a look ?
Hello and thanks for sharing all this info. I am starting to Bear tank for our guild as a backup of off tank. I really like this setup you have described and explains the issues I have had. Trying to run keys to get better gear so really looking forward to using this! Are you using WA or and specific ones?