GSE 3.2 Intro and Tutorials - New Tutorial for the new Actionbar Override to allow Clickable Sequences

Ok I have it set up and it works great. 2 questions though.

  1. When you have a screen that pops up for a quest and it requires the use of the key you bound, it wont work on it. So is there an alternate method other than binding the macro to a key that is NOT 1-4?
  2. I only have macros and hotkeys set for keys 1&2 but 3 and 4 seem to not be functioning. Is there something in the new GSE that locks up keys 1-4 for this program only?

i use the [ and ] keys myself. since their not bound to anything for me.

Copycat… :wink: LMAO… Yeah, Same!

Logitech Spam Key Tutorial


Thank you for the video series

New Sequence Building Tutorial Videos
Sequence Building Tutorials (Watch me Build Sequences)


Has anyone noticed that each time you log in, you need to re-save your keybind in order for it to work?

I have the problem that GSE’s new method of using the macros via fixed keybindings means that if I fly or change the Specc (e.g. from Havoc to Vengeance), the keybinding remains and button 1, for example, cannot be used. Before TWW and the new method I never had any problems with this, probably simply because there were no keybindings… Is there a solution for this?

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I just posted a new video that explains the new Actionbar Override feature. This should help


Thank you very much :v: :+1: :+1: :+1:

New Protection Warrior Build Video

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Re-Uploaded - Video was broken. Fixed now

Thanks OAK for the vids they really helped me understand the new GSE setups your a life saver!!!

Sorry for what may be seen as a dumb request for help. For some reason only ONE of my toons 1 button (assigned to mouse) works. But all my other toons the 1 button no longer reisters actions when I press. It will work when I press on the digital interface of the WoW game itself. Not sure what to do to either delete that feature all together or unlock its use again for my other toons.