This is part of a old macro but I have tweaked for me.
Talents: 1,1,3,2,3,3
Glyphs: Glyph of Faerie Fire, Glyph of Barkskin, Glyph of Maul
This was not made by me just tweaked for use.
I’m horrid at macro’s currently this is my only macro, besides 911 button which is just Survival Instincts +everything that may heal.
Firstly, @Xodia, You can download a addon called “Superdupermacro” from Wow Interface. There are many other addons that help with macro, but this is my fav. Just make sure your “out of date addons” are activated. And then copy and paste. This Macro works great.
The only thing I notice though, is the Barkskin. If someone uses this as a “WowLazyMacro” if you will, they could leave themselves open to damage if Barkskin is on CD. JUst my opinion. I used this and just removed The barkskin option. Thanks a bunch!
[quote quote=16213]Firstly, @Xodia, You can download a addon called “Superdupermacro” from Wow Interface. There are many other addons that help with macro, but this is my fav. Just make sure your “out of date addons” are activated. And then copy and paste. This Macro works great.
The only thing I notice though, is the Barkskin. If someone uses this as a “WowLazyMacro” if you will, they could leave themselves open to damage if Barkskin is on CD. JUst my opinion. I used this and just removed The barkskin option. Thanks a bunch!
I Agree here it does work don’t know if i like it still testing
that’s the section of the macro that actually functions, you don’t need SDM or likes to run this macro. It’s a simple cast sequence macro, nothing special. The 0’s/such aren’t needed since they don’t actually fire off/function correctly, they’re just there for looks/added characters. Before 6.0.2 that would function amazing, as it’d fire of free mauls/etc. and cast savage defense off cd. Now it’s worthless, and the macro posted above this is what you’d wanna run if you wanted that same macro. Otherwise it’d be setting up a swapactionbar macro which i still need to figure out for my brewmaster. So yes complex/scripted macros are still broken/will not function. SO please for the love of god, don’t post a script macro saying they function, when they don’t fully function will make people think they really do work again lol
Its a good macro but i took out nature’s vigil and replaced it with cenarion ward cause nv is now horrible for guardian druids. Also i think i may take out the FF to cause its piontless to have on the boss as it doesnt apply a debuff anymore and i took out the war stomp cause i play ally =D
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=8 Thrash, Mangle, Maul, Lacerate, Thrash, Mangle, Maul, Lacerate, Thrash, Mangle, Maul
/use [combat] Barkskin
/use [combat] Berserk
/cast Nature’s Vigil
/cast war stomp
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]< @sandchaza
Just use that, you dn’t need macro-toolkit for it. and 6.0.2 broke script macros, so even if macro-toolkit was functioning the macro wouldnt 100% work correctly.