Guardian Druid 6.0.3 - Single Button Rotations

So here is my Spec.

Glyphs Maul, Survival Instincts, Barkskin

Single Target Rotation
/cast Wild Charge
/castsequence reset=7 Lacerate,Thrash, Lacerate, Thrash, Lacerate, Thrash
/cast !Mangle
/cast Maul
/cast !Savage Defense
/use Berserk
/use Barkskin
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

AOE Rotation
/castsequence reset=5 Maul, Thrash, Thrash, Maul, Lacerate, Thrash, Thrash, Maul, Thrash, Thrash, Lacerate, Thrash, Thrash
/castsequence reset=15 !Barkskin, !Berserk
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Faerie Fire

You have talent Pulverize correct? How can you work this into your macro and wouldn’t Guardian of elune be better tanking wise?

Been trying this out at level 90 for slag mines… seems to work pretty well :slight_smile:

I have tweeked this to work for what i like! i added pulverize and took out barkskin because i like to use it when i actually need it. I made the macro show wild charge so i can see if its available or not. Everything else i just have keybound to keys.

#showtooltip wild charge
/cast Wild Charge
/castsequence reset=7 Lacerate,Thrash, Lacerate, Thrash, Lacerate, pulverize
/cast !Mangle
/cast Maul
/cast !Savage Defense
/use Berserk
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

[quote quote=18767]I have tweeked this to work for what i like! i added pulverize and took out barkskin because i like to use it when i actually need it. I made the macro show wild charge so i can see if its available or not. Everything else i just have keybound to keys.

#showtooltip wild charge
/cast Wild Charge
/castsequence reset=7 Lacerate,Thrash, Lacerate, Thrash, Lacerate, pulverize
/cast !Mangle
/cast Maul
/cast !Savage Defense
/use Berserk
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

This macro doesnt work. It never uses pulverize and it keeps locking. Maybe im doing something wrong… but tried challenge mode silver to get into hc… i just dont do any dmg, because it wont use my abilities…

So did anyone try the pulverize macro out?